
On the eleventh day of The Impulsive Buy’s Season of Giving 2018, we are offering:

One $10 Panda Express Gift Card

A $10 Panda Express gift card will get you at least a 2-entree plate, and, of course, a fortune cookie. Something just popped into my head. What if random fortune cookies had a coupon for a free 2-entree plate? Would that make you want to go to Panda Express more?


To enter this prize drawing for a $10 Panda Express Gift Card, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on December 27, 2018 at 9:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Just a note: If you post a comment but it’s not showing up, it ended up in our comment spam folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment. I’ll be pulling those comments out of the comment spam vortex throughout the day.

Good luck and don’t forget to come back tomorrow to find out what we’re giving away!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about HEMP, HEMP, HEMP. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you dry elbow macaroni. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.


145 responses to “TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2018: DAY 11”

  1. Toni

    I love Panda!

  2. Kaitlyn


  3. Amy

    I love their orange chicken!

  4. Curtis


  5. Gabriel Reynoso

    I want the panda

  6. amy marantino


  7. amy marantino

    thank you

  8. Leela

    I would love to give this place a try.

  9. Javier

    Sounds good

  10. Gina Sakai

    Orange chicken

  11. Andy

    Pick me!

  12. Jodi DeVore


  13. Michele

    Happy Holidays!

  14. El ChapoStick

    Doin it Panda style

  15. Melissa Z

    Yum! Great give-a-way!

  16. Sylvia

    I love me some broccoli and beef.

  17. David

    Panda food!

  18. Alex L

    Beijing Beef, and Firecracker Chicken. Easy!

    I don’t know if the coupon would make me go more, personally, but that’s a great idea I wish they did that even if the chance were small.

  19. Alec Carruthers


  20. Roxy

    So generous

  21. Dita

    Great choice

  22. Robbie

    Walnut shrimp!

  23. Kristie D

    Honey walnut shrimp yum! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Astor

    I wish Panda would bring back the sweet and sour pork or at least make the orange chicken not spicy again! They took the pork away and made the orange chicken spicy and pretty much ruined me going to them. I go for their chow mein now :/ at least they can’t mess THAT up…

  25. michele

    Happy Holidays!

  26. Melissa S.

    Orange chicken!!!

  27. TheOneAboveAll

    Yes it would make me want to visit more just like your Giveaways make me want to visit your website more also I have never been to Panda Express but I do have one in my city so this would be a great reason to give them a try!!!!

  28. Jason

    Panda Express is the best

  29. KH

    Great site!!!!

  30. Susan Garcia

    We’re having a Texas Christmas this year in Houston. ?

  31. Rhonda Long

    Orange chicken



  33. Darrell Martinsen


  34. Catherine




  36. Chris W


  37. Farnic

    This sounds good to me

  38. Heather mcknight

    Hellooooo nurseeeee! ??

  39. Cristy k

    So good!

  40. Ryandog

    Panda is always tasty!

  41. svbbreathe

    Omg their crab rangoons!!!!

  42. Howard

    I could go for some Panda.

  43. Sounds great, I’ve never been there before!

  44. eli p


  45. Peter STRUBEL

    This would have been perfect for Christmas dinner.

  46. Holly

    I eat here way too much lol.

  47. Smeeta P


  48. Amber

    I could make it rain crab ragoons!

  49. Kaitlyn

    Honey Shrimp

  50. Ashley

    Yes please!

  51. Priscilla

    Perfect while looking for a job!

  52. Jordan

    Love this place!

  53. Caroline


  54. Jenna G.

    Love it!

  55. Tabitha

    Coupons in the fortune cookies is a genius idea!

  56. Kevin

    Happy Holidays!!

  57. Matt

    Yes, please.

  58. Kelly

    pick me

  59. Dawn

    This is cool



  61. traumajunky

    Love Beijing Beef

  62. Whitney

    Happy Holidays!

  63. Emerald N

    Happy New Year

  64. Aleksandr


  65. DJ

    Thank you!

  66. Joanna

    I have always wanted to go here.

  67. Devin H

    I have a Panda Express less than five minutes away from where I live, but I almost never go there (the only times I ever went were when they used to give out free stuff).

  68. Alison

    I love Panda Express! Thanks for the chance to win and happy holidays!

  69. AJT

    I have to be honest…I’ve never eaten at a Panda Express!

  70. Miss M

    very nice

  71. Erin


  72. Ashley J


  73. myke

    all right!

  74. Amanda W


  75. Tina

    Orange chicken! 😀

  76. Cat


  77. Matt J


  78. Mason

    That’s a really good idea about the fortune cookie.

  79. Vicky

    Orange chicken!

    Wishing everyone a safe and happy new year!

  80. Michelle Davies


  81. Daniel

    Gimme that orange chicken!

  82. Mike S.

    Panda all the way!

  83. Leslie

    You should pick me. I spent ALL my eating money on Christmas presents.

  84. Mike N.

    Sounds good!

  85. Joshua C

    I guess I should try this place out, I have never been.

  86. Miki

    Happy Hollidays!

  87. well versed

    Thank you!

  88. Matt B

    Happy Holidays!

  89. Billy

    Haven’t had Panda in forever. Time to pepper my angus.

  90. jh

    whatever you want


    love Panda Express

  92. Barbara Boik

    I would love to win this for an entree and a ?!

  93. SD

    Panda is yum!

  94. Cindy


  95. Amy R

    I’d love to try panda express!

  96. Katie B

    I wait for Christmas all year long…

  97. Jo

    Love this!

  98. Den


  99. Junior

    In for cream cheese wontons!

  100. Renee

    Yes please….thanks!

  101. Mickey

    mmmm Pandas!

  102. Amberly W


  103. TropicalChrome

    Love the teriyaki chicken 🙂

  104. JoAnn

    Yum, panda chow!

  105. Alyxx Butler


  106. Natalie

    I love the chow mein and mushroom chicken at Panda Express!

  107. MDF


  108. Bernarda Sagastizado

    Chow mein with sweet and sour sauce is soooooooo good!

  109. T price

    Hope I win!

  110. Eagles409

    Orange Chicken FTW

  111. Candice

    I want some Teriyaki chicken

  112. KT

    Honey Walnut Shrimp FTW! The better half is more of a Beijing Beef fiend, but I think it tastes like candy, it’s so sweet.

  113. Michael Esp


  114. John

    I love their potstickers

  115. Katrina


  116. Melody Traynor

    Love Panda Express

  117. Kristi

    Yes please!

  118. Mike Davis


  119. Jim

    Never tried

  120. Jaime K

    Don’t pandas eat really slowly?

  121. Paul

    I’m orange with chicken!

  122. Nathan Rodriguez

    Happy new year

  123. Hantoa

    Now we’re talking a storm here!

  124. Yes Please!

  125. Nick Pagano

    Panda Bear

  126. Courtney G

    Orange chicken death by sugar.

  127. Dianne

    I would eat this for free.

  128. Charlene

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  129. Michelle

    egg roll time

  130. Missy Bee

    Orange Chicken what else?

  131. Carly

    Yum love the shrimp!

  132. Simon Siegel

    Tis time!

  133. Cierra O’Dell

    I’ll take it

  134. Dagmar

    Such good express Asian food when in a hurry!

  135. Heather R


  136. Jeff

    Love the panda

  137. Joseph Wagner

    Great idea!

  138. Marcy


  139. Michael

    Me love you long time.

  140. Kevin Snow
