
On the twelfth day of The Impulsive Buy’s Season of Giving 2018, we are offering:

One Mystery Box

I could give you a hint about what’s in the Mystery Box, but as of right now I’m not even sure what’s going to be in the Mystery Box. Diapers? Sweets I’ve gotten for Christmas that I don’t intend to eat? A Mystery Envelope inside a Mystery Box? I dunno yet.


To enter this prize drawing for a Mystery Box, leave a comment with THIS post. You can write whatever you want, but please don’t forget to fill out the email field because we’ll be emailing the randomly selected winner for his or her mailing address.

We will stop accepting entries on December 28, 2018 at 9:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. Only one comment allowed per person, and it’s only open to U.S. residents 18 years old or older.

Just a note: If you post a comment but it’s not showing up, it ended up in our comment spam folder for some strange reason. There’s no need to attempt to post another comment. I’ll be pulling those comments out of the comment spam vortex throughout the day.

Good luck and don’t forget to come back tomorrow to find out what we’re giving away!

FINE PRINT: The Impulsive Buy promises your email address will not be used to send you emails about how to do how-tos. The Impulsive Buy also promises your mailing address will not be used to send you the warm breath of a baby dragon bottled in an ancient stone carved vessel. Bribes will not be accepted. The Impulsive Buy will not be responsible for lost mail or damaged mail.


239 responses to “TIB’S SEASON OF GIVING 2018: DAY 12”

  1. Toni

    How mysterious!

  2. Gabriel Reynoso

    I really want this, but if I can’t have it, at least, send me the warm breath of a baby dragon bottled in an ancient stone carved vessel.

  3. Darrell Martinsen


  4. Amber

    Fingers crossed for no diapers unless adult sized

  5. Barbara Book

    I like a surprise!

  6. Alison

    I’m excited to see what the mystery box is. Thanks again for the chance to win. Happy Holidays!

  7. Leela

    A mystery box sounds fun!

  8. Miranda

    Would love to win!

  9. D.

    I love a good mystery.

  10. Emma

    Mystery is my middle name!

  11. Aaron

    What could it be?

  12. Jennifer

    Pick me

  13. Jd


  14. Michele

    Happy Holidays!

  15. Alec Carruthers


  16. amy marantino

    HO HO HO

  17. Sylvia

    Better than a mystery flavor Peep!

  18. Jh

    I can’t wait for the reveal!

  19. Roxy

    I’m so excited!

  20. Dita

    Will it arrive in a white package?

  21. Brian

    Mystery box, interesting.

  22. Jodi DeVore

    Mystery Box

  23. Kristie D

    I love a good mystery! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  24. michele

    Thank you!

  25. Robbie

    Guesses, guesses!

  26. Mike Vincent

    Let me win this!!

  27. Bj

    It would be a birthday surprise for me!

  28. Shay


  29. Sarah


  30. Rene B.

    Mystery box? I love me a mystery box.

  31. Joe


  32. Skye

    I love mysteries and boxes.

  33. Michelle Davies


  34. Michael


  35. Ryandog

    Could be holiday sweets, and other stuff ey who knows! Cool!

  36. John R

    Mysteries are always fun and exciting.

  37. AJT


  38. Jason

    Want this

  39. SJ

    Pick me!

  40. Susan Garcia

    Aw shucks. I want the warm breath of a baby dragon.

  41. Leslie

    Surprises are fun!

  42. Ashley

    Oooh la la a mystery box! Fingers crossed.

  43. Chris W

    spooky scary

  44. rorry

    I wanna solve this mystery

  45. kristy fetzer

    Love a good mystery!

  46. Cristy k

    Lol potentially diapers?! That’ll be one heck of a New Years!

  47. Matt J


  48. Devin H

    The suspense!

  49. Betty Jo R

    Would love to see what’s in this box!

  50. Carolyn Porter

    Let me be the lucky one!

  51. Bob K

    Mystery’s can or can’t be a good thing

  52. El ChapoStick

    I hope it’s not Jimmy Fallon/Justin Timberlake inspired, there’s enough of those in prison

  53. Linda Borgersen

    Yes!!!! Mystery box!!! I love these!

    1. Mike

      Thanks marvo

  54. TM89

    It’s no red snapper, but I’ll…I’ll take the box!

  55. Jackie

    Thank you for a fun giveaway! Happy New Year to you!

  56. Sounds exciting!

  57. Jordan

    Let’s gooooo!

  58. Chris H.

    Always a wiener, never a winner. *sigh*

  59. Melissa S.

    I love a good mystery! Thanks for all of the fun!!

  60. Ashley J

    Mystery box!

  61. Emerald N

    The box? I’ll take what’s in the box.

  62. Alana

    The boat is a boat, but the mystery box could be anything. It could be a boat!

  63. Smeeta P


  64. Farnic

    The mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

  65. eli p


  66. JoAnn

    What a surprise and a mystery in that I may never know what is in the mystery box.

  67. H M

    Happy if I win; still happy if I don’t. Happy New Year to everyone at TIB!

  68. Matt

    Just like a Mystery Dum Dum pop, it’s a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.

  69. Amber

    What’s in the box?! WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!?!?!

  70. Sue

    Mystery Box, hmmm cool

  71. Jeffrey Williams

    My hopes for a Taco Bell gift card remain somewhat high.

  72. svbbreathe


  73. Peter STRUBEL

    Need a little mystery in life.

  74. Aaron

    Happy New year! I love a good mystery!

  75. Melissa Long

    Thank you for the chance!

  76. Whitney

    Happy Holidays!

  77. Jarmel R.

    Love a good mystery.

  78. Molly

    Surprises are fun!

  79. Karl M


  80. Kaitlyn

    How mysterious…

  81. Daniel

    Love a good mystery box!

  82. Mira

    Yay for surprises!!

  83. Alex L

    As long as it is food-related.

    Or not.

    As long as it isn’t just the box >.>

  84. Patti Edwards

    Very excited about this Box o’ Mystery!

  85. Krysti

    Happy holidays!


    Wonder what it is??

  87. Kelly

    Happy new year

  88. matt a

    I do miss The Pickup Artist

  89. Alex Kruger

    I love surprises!

  90. Jenna G.

    Winner winner mystery box!

  91. Mike

    It’s a mystery that I want to solve!

  92. john wisbiski

    I wanna win

  93. Amy Hart


  94. Mandy

    Ooooo, mystery box!

  95. Kevin

    Happy Holidays!!

  96. Mike S.

    Mystery can be a good thing. 🙂

  97. Ben

    Who doesn’t like a good mystery box?


    Box in a box in a box?

  99. Christopher Stewart

    It’s gotta be a boat.

  100. Joanna

    I really hope I win this one.

  101. Elizabeth

    I got it last time! It was so exciting!

  102. Nick

    I wonder what’s inside!

  103. Marcy

    I’m excited for this!

  104. Kaylin

    Happy holidays to all

  105. Julie

    I am game for this!

  106. Howard

    Yay mystery box!

  107. jj

    ooo mysterious!!

  108. Beth P

    I love a good mystery!

  109. Amanda W

    Oooh, this sounds fun.

  110. Corrine


  111. Anne Sutton

    I have a six year old who loves lol and littlest pet shop. I’m over mystery, but I like free!

  112. Stephanie


  113. Leslie

    Gimme a win!! I deserve it!

  114. Jenn

    Oooh mystery box

  115. Erin


  116. DJ

    I love a good mystery!

  117. Kristen Barnhardt

    The best kind of prize is a surprise

  118. Mike Davis

    Could not be more excited about a MYSTERY BOX!

  119. Charles C.

    I do love a mystery!

  120. traumajunky

    I love surprises!

  121. Tina

    Awesome! I love a mystery!

  122. Karina


  123. Vicky

    Oh a surprise! Yes please!

  124. Jarred

    Count me in!


    I AM IN

  126. Mindy

    I love mysteries!

  127. Scott Heyser


  128. Gage


  129. J.Young

    Happy Holidays

  130. Aleksandr

    YAY! I want it so badly

  131. Tanisha

    Good luck to everyone, and have a Happy New Year.

  132. Shannon Moore

    Ooo a mystery box. Oooo.

  133. Dre

    Yay! Surprises!

  134. Christina Westbrooks

    Wahoo for Mystery boxes!

  135. Shannon

    Happy New Year!

  136. bojangles

    Love a good mystery!

  137. Miss M

    ooh cool

  138. Deb Paterno

    I like mystery boxes!

  139. well versed

    Thank you!

  140. Mason

    Happy New Year!

  141. Rob

    This is the winning comment

  142. Amy R

    Sounds fun!

  143. Mike

    I love a good mystery

  144. Joshua C

    I’m willing to take a chance!

  145. Adrian

    So mysterious

  146. TheOneAboveAll

    Curiouser and Curiouser I become….they mystery intrigues me.

  147. Den

    Diapers? That’s not food!

  148. Amy

    I like a good mystery!

  149. Priscilla

    Yes!!! Perfect to celebrate my recent engagement! ??

  150. Mike N.

    Oooo, mysterious!

  151. Bryn

    Cant go wrong with a good mystery

  152. Cassie

    I love a mystery!

  153. Fran

    Oooo I want to know what’s in it!

  154. SD

    I loves mysteries

  155. sarah

    Every box is a mystery if you never open it!:D

  156. Amry

    Mysteries are exciting.

  157. Amry

    Mysteries are exciting.

  158. Patrick

    Pick me!

  159. Eagles409

    Pick me please

  160. el barto

    “She seems mysterious, so I’ll call her Mystery. Come to think of it, she also seems graceful and majestic. Maybe I should call her Grace, or Majesty,
    or Debbie.”
    Spongebob squarepants
    I missed da other days so this be last chance boulavard mon frer. All i got be spongebob quotes. Happy holidays errbody.

  161. Billy C

    Add me to this bad boy

  162. Cindy

    I love a good surprise.

  163. Albert Chao

    Inside this box is a string.

  164. jh

    Not sure about the diapers, but…

  165. Melissa

    I like mysteries!

  166. Andrew Popp

    what will it be!?

  167. Mickey

    I love surprises!

  168. Jeff

    Got to love a mystery box

  169. Chris

    Happy New Year

  170. GC

    The mystery box sounds exciting!

  171. Paul Kappel

    I could always use some adult diapers to keep up with Burger King’s LTOs

  172. thetentman

    Pappy Van Winkle?

  173. Christina

    What’s in the boooooxxxxxxxx

  174. levfarr

    sure ok

  175. Caitlin

    I can’t wait to find out what’s inside, fingers crossed I get chosen o:

  176. Tammi

    Fingers crossed!

  177. Ridz

    I like mysteries and boxes are pretty cool too.

  178. DANIEL


  179. Astor

    A mystery inside an enigma…

  180. Ryan

    Thank you for the contest

  181. Whitney

    Fun! I hope I win because I’m very curious.

  182. Natalie

    Wonder what it is!! I love mysteries!

  183. TropicalChrome

    The cats would love it if it were a box :).

  184. Lynn Barna



    Yummy yummy yum

  186. Amberly W

    I really hope it’s a majestic purple unicorn frolicking with an elaborately mustachioed T-Rex…

  187. Kim Golembeck

    Reminds me of those grab bags I always wanted as a kid!! I’m in!

  188. Katie B

    Life is like a box of chocolates…

  189. Ashley


  190. Candice

    I like surprises

  191. Melody Traynor

    Oooh who doesn’t love a good mystery?!

  192. Jaime K

    Who doesn’t love a good mystery (box)?

  193. Michael Esposito


  194. Under the wire.

  195. Nick Pagano

    Happy new year

  196. Kiera

    Entering – thank you & happy holidays!

  197. Jo

    Happy new year!

  198. Niki

    I love a mystery!

  199. Carrie

    Happy Holidays!

  200. sarah k

    I hope you had a very merry Christmas and have a happy New Year 🙂

  201. Katrina


  202. Michelle


  203. John

    Bring it on I will take anything thank you

  204. connie

    yes please

  205. Hillary

    May the box be filled with sugary goodness

  206. Holly


  207. Jim

    Me so excited

  208. Dianne P Zier

    mystery box!!! yahhhh!!

  209. Rita A

    I love a good mystery! Happy New year!

  210. Kristen

    Happy new year!

  211. Junior

    Thank you for this season of giving! Happy New Year!

  212. Seth

    This is a mystery comment

  213. Courtney G

    I love a good mystery.

  214. Tracy Bogdan

    I’d love to ring in the new year with a mystery!!

  215. Brian C

    Mystery box, Mystery box. What’s inside the mystery box?
    Thank you Super Simple songs for putting that in my head, forever.

  216. Simon Siegel


  217. Thomas Griffin

    I live a good mystery!!!

  218. Bianca

    yay!! thanks 🙂

  219. Chlie

    I’m intrigued

  220. Laurie


  221. Heather R


  222. Kate

    Mystery prize yes please!!!!!

  223. Hantoa

    I don’t even know what the gift card is for.

  224. Sarah

    Ooh, I love mystery boxes!

  225. Emily

    yes please!

  226. Carly

    Count me in!

  227. Phil

    Fingers crossed

  228. Dagmar

    Who doesn’t love a mystery?

  229. Cierra O’Dell

    I love a good mystery