As Batman would say, “If Harley Quinn is here, then The Joker must be near.” Okay, I don’t think Batman ever said that, but it sounds like something he might’ve said. The Harley Quinn flavor features vanilla light ice cream with a cherry swirl and cherry filled dark chocolate diamond pieces. The Joker flavor has mint light ice cream with chocolate cookie pieces and purple fudge filled chocolatey “Ha” pieces. (Spotted by Purple Dave at Meijer.)
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Hope the lids are as cool as the Justice League ones. I guess Darkseid Dark Chocolate was too similar to Batman’s brownies.
Harley has a waist-up shot of a more modern take on the character, while Joker has a mid-chest shot with a more B:TAS inspired costume. There’s a new 4-part comic. I bought Joker with the first and last parts, and Harley with the middle parts, but it looks like all four parts come on both flavors.
They should have made a Riddler Mystery Flavor.
I’ve tried all five DC character flavors. Of the initial trio, I found Superman’s to be quite boring (it tasted…sweet), Wonder Woman’s was passable, and Batman’s was disappointing (I guess the blend of chocolate flavors just didn’t work, which feels odd to type). Of these two, Harley was also disappointing. It basically tastes like vanilla with a mom-served dose of toppings. More flavor is definitely needed, but that would probably kick it out of the “lite” range. Joker’s tasted pretty much like mint chocolate chip, but with a different texture due to the cookie bits and the large, angular “HA” bits. That’s really the only one I’d actually buy on a regular basis, even though there are many better options for mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Thanks for the review; I was wondering how they tasted. Sounds like this is one gimmick I should pass on and grab some Telanti.
When are they coming to illnios Peoria