FAST FOOD NEWS: Carl’s Jr. Rocky Mountain High: CheeseBurger Delight (CBD)

Carl s Jr Rocky Mountain High

Carl’s Jr.’s newest test item, the Rocky Mountain High: CheeseBurger Delight (CBD), celebrates 4/20, features CBD oil, and is extremely elusive. The $4.20 cheeseburger is only available for one day (4/20) in one state (Colorado, where recreational marijuana use is legal) at one location (4050 Colorado Blvd. in Denver, which I assume got chosen because it has a 4 and 0 in its address).

The burger features two 100% charbroiled beef patties, pickled jalapeños, pepper jack cheese, Crisscut fries, and Carl’s Jr.’s signature Santa Fe Sauce infused with CBD oil all between a premium bun.

CBD oil is made from the flowers and buds of marijuana or hemp plants. It does not cause people to get high, but it is used to help with pain, anxiety, and insomnia. Carl’s Jr. is getting hemp-derived CBD oil from Bluebird Botanicals, a Colorado company.

The burger will be available while supplies last on 4/20. Although, if Carl’s Jr. is trying to lure the cannabis crowd, I imagine their collective munchies might make the supply dwindle quickly.

If you’re lucky enough to try it, let us know what you think of it in the comments.

(Image via Carl’s Jr.)


2 responses to “FAST FOOD NEWS: Carl’s Jr. Rocky Mountain High: CheeseBurger Delight (CBD)”

  1. Mike S.

    More power to ’em–it’s a marvelous promotion and gimmick! 🙂

  2. r.b.

    So this isn’t illegal? I guess if not it’s because you’re aware of it containing the drug ahead of time?