SPOTTED: Lucky Charms Soft Baked Treats

Lucky Charms Soft Baked Treats

If it weren’t for the Lucky Charms marbits, this would look like a Fiber One Soft-Baked Bar. Wait. How much fiber does this have? Is it magically fibrous? (Spotted by Phil H at Sam’s Club.)

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3 responses to “SPOTTED: Lucky Charms Soft Baked Treats”

  1. Tracey

    You’re right, this bar not only looks shockingly similar to the Fiber One Birthday Cake Bar, it has exactly the same amount of calories, saturated fat and sugar – and almost the same sodium level and weight! Final shocker – they’re both made by General Mills. This could be just another case of product re-purposing by re-packaging…we shall see
    Thanks for the eagle-eye coverage all of these years.

  2. John W.

    So if these bars are baked, I can’t help but wonder what that does to the texture of the marbits. If there is any significant change, they just won’t seem like Lucky Charms bars, IMO.

  3. TheOneAboveAll

    Those Fiber One Bars are pretty damn good for being a kinda health food and if this was a Fiber One Bar I think it would be the best of the bunch.