REVIEW: Coca-Cola Cinnamon

Coca Cola Cinnamon

What is Coca-Cola Cinnamon?

Like every other brand, it’s Spice Season over at the Coca-Cola Company. Thankfully for us, it’s opted to add cinnamon to its classic recipe instead of pumpkin.

How is it?

Coca-Cola Cinnamon smells and tastes like someone added about a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a bottle of Coke. I wouldn’t say it’s subtle, but it’s also not overwhelming. The cinnamon flavor rides the line nicely.

Coca Cola Cinnamon Closup

After the quick, overwhelming bursts of effervescence in each sip fade, you get a little hint of the warm spice. I think I prefer this to regular Cola, which is usually only a drink of choice for me when mixed with something harder, but this isn’t too big of a departure from the classic you’re used to.

Honestly, they probably could have gone a little further with the cinnamon flavor, but I’m not complaining.

Is there anything else you need to know?

The best part of the said flavor is the fact that the usual dryness does not follow it. No matter what I have with cinnamon, I always feel like I ate a handful of the Sahara and need to chug a bottle of water immediately.

Coca Cola Cinnamon Label

Oh, and cinnamon is not in the ingredients. This is a “cinnamon flavored” soda. It seems odd to me, but maybe it’s an allergen thing or something. Why not use the real thing?


Coke has a winner here. This is gonna go over well with the masses as there is enough cinnamon to separate it from regular Coke, but not enough to make people feel like they’re taking the Cinnamon Challenge.

I’m probably gonna pick up another bottle to try as a mixer. I also kinda want to try using a cinnamon stick as a straw the next time because I am a child.

I hope it does well, and it pushes Coca-Cola to get more creative because a Cinnamon Vanilla Coke would be a God-tier soda.

Purchased Price: $2.12
Size: 20 fl. oz. bottle
Purchased at: Quick Check
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 Bottle) 240 calories, 0 grams of fat, 55 milligrams of sodium, 65 grams of carbohydrates, 65 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

15 thoughts on “REVIEW: Coca-Cola Cinnamon”

  1. I wish they’d have brought the Coke Zero Sugar version of this that was out, what, last year in the UK? I’d be all over that.

    1. I agree with you. It would be great to have a Zero version of the cinnamon in the US. Honestly, I think the full sugar version tastes like a churro. The sweetness would have to replicate real sugar pretty close to pull off the Zero version and still taste like a churro, which I love!

  2. I actually like this more than I did Pepsi Fire. While this tastes like someone put a hard cinnamon candy in some Coke, Pepsi Fire tasted like someone put a whole package of Red Hots AND a whole package of Hot Tamales in it.

  3. Funny you mention Cinnamon Vanilla Coke, because that’s literally what I’m drinking right now, and it is far superior than the straight cinnamon. I actually came here to recommend it, thinking there would be no mention of it in the review or comments, and boy was I wrong. As they say, great minds think alike. I’ll be trying it with Cherry next.

  4. I love Classic Coke. It’s my favorite beverage, by a wide margin. I found the cinnamon in the Coke Cinnamon overwhelming, rather than complementary. I wouldn’t buy it again.
    Coke, in my opinion, is perfect by itself and can’t be improved by adding different flavors; they only detract from it.

    1. Lol, I found it underwhelming, could barely notice the cinnamon, then again we all have different taste buds, either that or my particular can came from a batch with no cinnamon lol

  5. Well i tried the coke cinnamon for the first time today.i was so excited to try it at first i thought what a crazy flavor to have so i buy one and got home and told my family and they said maybe for Christmas so i opened it and smelled it to see if it had the cinnamon smell and it did then i went to taste it had a peculiar taste it tasted like a bunch of cinnamon in my mouth then i swallowed it it tasted okay but it was not my favorite my was the Orange vanilla coke.


    The Cinnamon is not strong, needs to be stronger Cinnamon taste. It’s frustrating when a company puts out a product and labels it as a product of a specific taste, but cuts corners when it comes to adding that taste. Just looking for a quick profit gain. Henceforth limited time product, need I say anymore.

  7. It’s delicious! Like a cinnamon roll transformed into soda.
    My new favorite flavor from Coke and it’s not close.
    Btw, flavor from a cold can Is always better than from a plastic bottle.

  8. I’m a writer and couldn’t have written a better review of this delicious beverage myself! Enjoying a can on a Sunday in Mid-April over ice in a Coca Cola glass during the pandemic. (It’s so good it cures Covid19)!

  9. Belinda Chapman

    I loved the cinnamon coke! My husband is a Dr Pepper fanatic and he even like it better than Dr Pepper! I hope this becomes a regular flavor! Was so sad when I couldn’t find it anymore!!

  10. I mean, It’s good. I really don’t recommend it though as it tates fine, in my opinon it has so much cinnomin im drinking it right now, I mean this would be good in thanksgiving, not in the winter, i feel like just a normal coke guy.

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