REVIEW: Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream with Blueberry Cheesecake

Way before “lotus” was used in the names of 50 percent of all yoga studios in the world, the name Lotus was mostly associated with Biscoff speculoos cookies (and the Kama Sutra). Later, the company crushed those cookies to makes its famous cookie butter. Now, it’s using its name and cookies to sell ice cream.

Biscoff Ice Cream is available in five flavors — Original, Salted Caramel, Blueberry Cheesecake, Belgian Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Brownies. Unfortunately, I was able to find only the Blueberry Cheesecake and Chocolate Brownies versions.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream 5 Pizza Lid

After pulling back the flimsy paper lid, I’m face-to-foil with a shiny protective cover that I assume tells me to either wait five minutes before eating or consume five slices of pizza before eating. Because I didn’t have any pizza, I went with the former.

Although, I didn’t wait five minutes because I assume, like microwave wattages will vary cooking times, living on a tropical island with the current temperature being in the mid-80s should reduce those five minutes down to two or three. Pulling back the pizza pushing or just plain pushy foil lid reveals a layer of crushed speculoos cookies.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream Blueberry Cheesecake Top

According to the flimsy container, the blueberry cheesecake one features “dairy ice cream and crunchy Lotus Biscoff cookies paired with blueberry cheesecake.” But to be more exact, it seems to be more like vanilla ice cream with a blueberry cheesecake swirl and crunchy Lotus Biscoff cookie bits.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream Blueberry Cheesecake Inside

This one is my favorite of those I purchased. It tastes like what I expect — blueberry cheesecake with a speculoos cookie crust. And it is wonderful. There’s a nice tang and bold blueberry flavor from the swirl, and the speculoos crumbs add a pleasant spiced flavor and a crunchy texture. At first, I thought the cookies on top were all that the near-pint had, but it seems as if there are also bits suspended throughout the ice cream.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream with Chocolate Brownies

The chocolate brownie version has Biscoff and chocolate ice cream with chunks of dark chocolate brownies, cookie butter, and crunchy Lotus Biscoff Cookies. Just reading the previous sentence would usually make my mouth water, but after eating the ice cream, I can’t help but share my slight disappointment.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream with Chocolate Brownies Top

First off, the crushed up cookies on the top are, for some reason, not at all crunchy like the ones on the blueberry cheesecake flavor. Oh, their flavor is there, but it’s not the same without the crunch. Also, there doesn’t seem to be any bits in the ice cream. Instead, they’re replaced with a cookie butter swirl that doesn’t have a recognizable texture and doesn’t snake through the pint as much as I would like.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream with Chocolate Brownies Inside

Another disappointment is the number of brownie chunks in the pint. It seems like I experienced a ratio of one brownie chunk for every four dips into the near-pint. Whatever pieces there are, they provide an added burst of chocolatey flavor within the chocolate ice cream.

With all that said, the combination of chocolate and Biscoff cookies is tasty, but being a texture guy, I wish there was a crunchiness. Now, maybe I got a lousy not-quite-a-pint, so if you had crunchy cookies in yours, let me know.

Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream Dents

While I like the flavors, the containers they come in annoy me. The one thing I noticed and disliked the moment I picked one up was how rickety the paper containers feel. When I grab it, the walls of the packaging cave in to the point where I feel either the whole thing is going to fall apart, or I’m going to squeeze it so much that all the ice cream pops out like I’m Popeye with a can of spinach. It makes me feel as if I suddenly have superhuman strength and can’t control it.

Some of you might think this is superficial nonsense, and that’s fine. But I’d like to enjoy these tasty ice creams without being paranoid about the container falling apart if I grip it a little too tightly.

Purchased Price: $4.49 each
Size: 15.55 fl. oz.
Purchased at: Target
Rating: 8 out of 10 (Blueberry Cheesecake), 6 out of 10 (Chocolate Brownies)
Nutrition Facts: (1/2 cup) Blueberry Cheesecake – 150 calories, 7 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 55 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 15 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of protein. Chocolate Brownies – 190 calories, 11 grams of fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, 85 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 15 grams of sugar, and 3 grams of protein.


7 responses to “REVIEW: Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream”

  1. Tony Schiavone’s Lovechild

    Eric Bischoff bought me ice cream once, but first I had to pledge allegiance to the nWo.

    1. Brad Barratt

      Cookie butter 4 Lyfe!

    2. Mark

      Can’t believe it we spent 7 dollars on this garbage. One of the worse ice creams We have had. How do you make Icecream this bad. Very disappointed.

  2. Maura

    Interesting. I saw these in my local store this week, but I didn’t buy any because they were way too expensive. I think they were at least $2 more than what you paid, so I’ll wait for a sale.

    They did have the full complement of flavors, however, so that’s something. Thanks for the warning about the flimsy containers!

  3. D

    Wow i think we only get plain biscoff ice cream in the UK!

  4. Brooke Meyer

    Opening this up, I got really excited. I mean, who doesn’t love a cookie crust cheesecake? mix it into ice cream, and you’ve got a masterpiece. As advertised, there are Biscoff cookie crumbles, married with a lovely blueberry swirl. Now, here’s where my criticism comes in – the ice cream itself. The flavor is simply vanilla, which is fine, but kind of defeats the purpose of a cheesecake flavor. The texture is a little too fluffy as well, giving off that awkward foamy element as it begins to soften and melt. I think if Lotus/Biscoff were to add that cream cheese flavor and make this ice cream more dense and creamy, it could be one of my favorites! Though because of the texture described above, it left a lot of my cookie crumbles soft or even soggy in the process of enjoying the treat. Taking a half point for my 3 complaints, we’re left with 3.5 out of 5 stars

  5. Phil wilcox

    If you have not tried thier iice cream bars you are missing out. They are the very best you can buy. I still can’t make my mind up if they are a ice cream bar or a candy bar with ice cream in the middle. The point is they don’t make a bar any better than this at any price.