REVIEW: Limited Edition Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry

Limited Edition Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry

What is Limited Edition Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry?

Joy to the world! It’s officially cranberry soda season, with Sprite taking the lead with its unique Winter Spiced Cranberry, a mixture of the classic lemon-lime taste of Sprite with a twist of cranberry and spiced with other “natural flavors.” What those spices are, however, I’m not sure.

How is it?

The thing about the holidays I like the most are all the surprises soda companies have in store for us. Like a carbonated Santa, the Limited Edition Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry is definitely one of them.

I’m sure by the soda’s subtitle you have a basic idea about what you’re getting, but hold it, feel it, shake it — maybe don’t shake it — and when you finally open this bottle of Sprite, the cranberry flavoring is ever so slight, with the heavily spiced (of what, I may continue to ask?) quotient truly making this a drink for the season.

Limited Edition Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry 2

With a taste that’s reminiscent of ginger ale and crushed ornaments, it’s a cool sparkling beverage that feels more like an extra-sweetened holiday La Croix than anything Sprite has ever produced before. That being said, it ain’t all that bad, especially if you need a gentle stomach-setter after eating eight or nine of Tia Lupita’s deviled ham tamales. Yum!

Is there anything else you need to know?

One 20-ounce bottle contains 109% of your daily recommended allowance of sugars. That some sugar for today, and some for tomorrow also. Space out your sips!


Sadly, there’s no Sprite Zero companion liquid to this, but, still, if you need one holiday soda (that’s not cinnamon flavored, natch) to get you through the 12 days of whatever holiday you may choose or not choose, I suppose you should probably make it this one.

Purchased Price: $1.98
Size: 20 fl. oz. bottle
Purchased at: Winco
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 Bottle) 200 calories, 0 grams of fat, 110 milligrams of sodium, 54 grams of carbohydrates, 54 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

11 thoughts on “REVIEW: Limited Edition Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry”

  1. I didn’t like it. It left a weird aftertaste in my mouth. I think the spice might be clove? I love how cloves smell but not in this drink. I think just the cranberry would have been enough.

  2. Good call on the La Croix. I was rather disappointed by it; tasted nothing winter-y at all, unless we’re talking about Houston winters 🙁

  3. Just tried it. Bought a “fridge pack”. Doubt I’ll drink the remaining 11 cans. It’s……bland. It really does taste like slightly flavored carbonated water, just like La Croix. I hate La Croix. I hate this Sprite.

  4. Winter spiced cranberry is not!!!!! Sprite Cranberry. I bought two12 packs could only drink 2 cans. I hope they will bring the original Sprite Cranberry out this year. Very disappointed with sprite winter spiced cranberry

  5. Loved this drink! Usually don’t enjoy non-caffeine drinks, but this is a winner in my book! I wish they sold it all year round.

  6. This drink is terrible loved the sprite cranberry last year will not buy this winter spiced cranberry again. Please bring back Cranberry sprite zero.

  7. Please make a zero version of your limited edition drinks. Miss the Sprite Zero Cranberry. Please bring it back.

  8. WTH!?! NOPE, Don’t like it! SO Disappointed!! PLEASE bring back Sprite Cranberry next holiday season!!

  9. Last year we bought every 12 pack of Sprite Cranberry and Sprite Cranberry Zero that we found until they disappeared again. We love it! Replacing Sprite Cranberry with Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry is very disappointing. It’s just not as good. Please bring back Sprite Cranberry.

  10. We are still hoping that COCA Cola will bring back the ORIGINAL CRANBERRY SPRITE!!

    Everyone likes it much better!

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