McDonald’s has started spreading the ever earlier and earlier yuletide force…err, I mean, cheer with the release of its new Cinnamon Cookie Latte.
It seems like cinnamon is the hot flavor this season, with other recent items being McDonald’s rereleased Donut Sticks, which are coated with cinnamon sugar, and Sweet Cinnamon Kit Kats.
While the idea is great, would the presentation and follow-through live up to the hype? When I swung into the McDonald’s drive-thru, having an infamous reputation for serving customers fast, I had to wait approximately eight minutes for the small latte.
Were the Keebler Elves or Pillsbury Dough Boy back there whipping up a special cookie to put in it? Nevertheless, I was thrilled once I got it, as it was nice and warm. I opened it to see how the top would look, and it was interesting.
I was bummed the drink wasn’t full to the top, but seeing the cinnamon sprinkles made up for it. Seriously, sprinkle something with the sweet warm spice and I’ll marry it. But next came the biggest test of all. How would it taste?
I took a sip and got coffee. I couldn’t sense that it was a latte. There was also no essence of cinnamon. There was no flavor of cookie. I can’t say I was very pleased upon first sip. However, I know McDonald’s better than that. Sometimes ya gotta mix it up and swirl that sucker with a spoon. So, I did.
The new sip was truly refreshing as it tasted more like a latte, but still no cinnamon or cookie. I feel like a Cinnamon Cookie Latte should maybe have a little cinnamon and cookie flavor, but one out of three isn’t bad-ish.
The more I sipped on it, the more I realized this was almost like a McDonald’s coffee with a slight shot of an artificial sweetener. If it wants to compete with other holiday drinks, McDonald’s is going to have to spice it up…literally.??Is this “latte” worth it? If you’re in the mood for cinnamon, no. If you’re in the mood for cookies, no. If you’re in the mood for a latte, probably not.
Purchased Price: $2.11
Size: Small
Rating: 4 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 250 calories, 7 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 25 milligrams of cholesterol, 105 milligrams of sodium, 39 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 35 grams of sugar, and 8 grams of protein.
5 responses to “REVIEW: McDonald’s Cinnamon Cookie Latte”
I hate to say this, but are you SURE they gave you the cinnamon cookie latte? I went to my local McDonald’s, and they swore they didn’t have it. A few days later, I returned. I ordered again, and I got it. It tasted like a regular latte. When I inquired, they said, “oh we don’t have that one.” So they really did give me just a latte. It’s sad, but often my local McDonald’s does not have the advertised products hyped online.
Hey there,
Unfortunately, I did try to confirm that it was the cinnamon cookie latte. The woman handed it to me asking if I had the latte, to which I responded “Yes is this the cinnamon cookie latte?”, and she said yes. My guess is they may not have had the proper ingredients yet or tried to pass off a different drink as the cookie latte. It’s a bummer, but I may try again soon, as it was just added to the menu when I went. They do advertise it all over my store however, so I assume they do have it!
I hope you weren’t charged extra for the special one if they just gave you a regular latte. How hard is it to say they still don’t have it? They really just figured you wouldn’t notice?
I tried this a few weeks ago after seeing it here, and I have to assume you got a regular latte. At my local store, the cinnamon cookie latte is fabulous, loaded with cinnamon and not too sweet. I hope you get to try the real thing!
Ive had the iced cinnamon cookie latte twice and it is fabulous. I’d highly recommend an iced one!