REVIEW: Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale

Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale Can

Update 12/1/21: We also tried the limited edition Vanilla Bean flavor! Click here to read our review.

What is Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale?

Canada Dry Bold teases a more intense ginger flavor in this variety of its sweet, dry ginger soda.

How is it?

Greetings from the land of illness and misery, otherwise known as Julie’s place of employment. Luckily, my immune system of steel has prevented me from falling prey to a cocktail of insidious germs, but my poor colleagues can’t say the same. On a lunchtime run to pick up Kleenex and hand sanitizer, I stumbled upon Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale, a new product from, in my opinion, the best commercial ginger ale brand out there. Although I associate the beverage primarily as a panacea for everything from colds to hangovers, I always enjoy a fizzy ginger drink…but is bolder better?

Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale Fizzy

Upon first pour, Canada Dry Bold has a richer, gold color and more fizz compared to the original variety, along with a sharper scent that brought a tickle to my nose. The first sip tasted very similar to Canada Dry or any other standard ginger ale: sweet and refreshing, with a hint of ginger, although missing a hint of its characteristic crispness. With another sip, the ginger taste became more noticeably more pronounced. But at this point, “bold” seemed like a strong word — more like “enhanced” or “elevated.”

Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale Color

After a few moments, the drink built up to spicy sensation, a peppery warmth without flavor, that lingered in the throat for several minutes. The feeling was definitely pleasant, and because of my tendency to rely on the brand for comfort in times of sickness, I appreciated the “burn” as an extra kick in a still-soothing, palatable drink.

Because that kick hesitates, the drink may disappoint enthusiasts looking for a fresher, more robust flavor in the vein of ginger beer.

Is there anything else you need to know?

You don’t NEED to know this, but I found it interesting: Both the original and bold varieties contain less than 2% ginger extract, which is apparently not enough to merit the claim that Canada Dry is “made with real ginger” and boasts related health benefits. After a 2019 false advertisement lawsuit, the brand opted to relinquish that statement, instead describing their drinks as having “real ginger taste.” Don’t let that knowledge ruin the placebo effect the next time you reach for a Canada Dry to soothe your queasy stomach.


Canada Dry Bold is more like Canada Dry Moderate, but its enhanced ginger taste and resulting warm spice sensation will still refresh and soothe whatever might ail you.

Purchased Price: $5.79
Size: 12 pack of 12-ounce cans (2-liter size also available at some locations)
Purchased at: Giant Eagle
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (per 12 oz. can) 140 calories, 0 grams of fat, 50 milligrams of sodium, 36 grams of carbohydrates, 36 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

99 thoughts on “REVIEW: Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale”

      1. Teresa C Franklin

        Canada Dry “Bold” is a disappointment for a true ginger lover…not bold at all! For those seeking a bold ginger taste, you must try Jamaican ginger ale…it is the best!

    1. I like it. It’s a junior ginger beer, and stronger than some. If you are a cheapie like me, least expensive ginger beer, and pretty strong, is Goya.

    2. Canada Dry Gold is – AWFUL!!!

      It is “Hot” and too citrusy/spicy – after 2 swigs, I poured it down the drain and I’ll try giving away the other 11 cans!!!

      I’ll stick with the old Canada Dry just like I stuck with the old Coke Classic when Coke started JACKING around trying to introduce New Coke!


      When you gotta good product, LEAVE IT ALONE!
      People get accustomed to a food or drink
      and they don’t like their choices tampered with!


      1. It set my mouth on fire! Will be taking it back to the store. Don’t give it to kids. Should have a warning on the label.

  1. I love ginger ale it is my first choice in soda. I just bought a one liter bottle of the new BOLD Ginger Ale. It should come with this warning label. This soda will make you throat and lips burn. I don’t think there is more ginger in this soda. I think someone had the bright idea to use a chemical in order to give it more flavor. I have had ginger in different foods and this has never happened to me before. I still like ginger ale but not that junk with a “bold ginger flavor. Throw it out.”

    1. “I think someone had the bright idea to use a chemical in order to give it more flavor.”

      This is simply not true.
      A quick look at the ingredients will tell you this.

      Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Less Than 2% of: Ginger Extract, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Caramel Color.

        1. I have tried the new BOLD Ginger Ale. And the “nose twinge” brought back childhood memories; because that’s what happened 60+ years ago when you drank it. I find it doesn’t please my taste, a bit tense. I had the regular Ginger Ale so; tried something: I mixed half regular and half bold and for me, it’s perfect. And still the nose twinge.

        2. Yes, I agree…I am a capsaicin freak! Carolina Reaper baby! Well, not that hot, maybe Cayenne…

          1. Exactly what I thought
            …..I said sriracha, initially, but believe it to be cayenne…..the best Ginger ale is still Vernors!

          2. I didn’t like it at all. Doesn’t taste like ginger ale. I don’t know WHAT it tastes like…just some colored water w/HOT PEPPERS in it. BLEH! I won’t EVER buy it again! YUK!

      1. I am just now drinking my first bold ginger ale. It taste like it has cayenne pepper in it. Not a pleasant taste at all. If you are going to do anything to it make it more ginger.

    2. Regular canada dry ginger ale is refreshing. Bold is anything but. It tastes terrible. Sorry I wasted my money. Won’t happen again.

  2. This drink burns the front of the throat as it goes down and doesn’t get better with each sip. After a few seconds, there is a warmth, and it has a pepper hotness to it. The taste isn’t there. It doesn’t hurt as bad if it is icy cold. Unfortunately for me, I bought a 24 pack at BJs. 23 cans are going to sit in my garage for several months before I finally throw the lot in the trash. My bet is that it will be discontinued by the Dr. Pepper company within a year.

    1. Just bought a 12-pack at Walmart after passing the vacant toilet paper shelves?!? I like ginger ale occasionally but not this stuff! If you have some vodka and want to make it taste like a whiskey-and-soda, mix it with a can of this. Unfortunately, it was drilled into my head to never waste food (and I’m a cheapskate, too!) so I have to suffer through 11 more cans of this. My wife’s on keto so she won’t drink it and I wouldn’t give one to a friend or neighbor because I wish to remain on speaking terms with all of them. Agree with your prediction of product life.

  3. This is the like a true “Remedy” for ginger ale lovers. Omg…..I am hooked and they better not stop selling this bc I will now miss and yern for this phenomenal BURN and rich, bold flavor of pure ginger root. Best when really cold. Feels so good going down oh my Gooooodness!!!! “2020” Drink of the year for sure!!! #Canadadryrocks #feeltheburn #therealdeal ???

    1. douglas m jones

      from ur comment this is what ive been looking for for 40 yrs there used to be a ginger ale called tiger brand ginger ale n it had a burn n a bite but they stopped making it

      1. If you like the bite of real ginger, look for Blenheim brand. It’s hard to find in stores, but you can mail order it directly from their website. A bit pricey, but soooo worth it!

        1. Gerald Roberts

          COLLEEN RAY I was just about to add a similar comment. As a native South Carolinian, I think I am required by law to mention Blenheim Ginger ale made in, well, Blenheim South Carolina. I have had it once and that was enough. This was when I was younger and we used to grow chiles and buy Jalapenos by the pound and this stuff still did a number on me and my friend. We stopped on the way to Myrtle Beach and bought a couple of these. I believe we stopped at the next country store to buy something to quench the fire, something that didn’t burn as much, like 89 octane gasoline! And we had the original, regular red cap, not the Hot or Extra hot!

          Still, Blenheim is a homegrown product of South Carolina and has been around for over 115 years! It’s readily available in convenience stores in South Carolina and Southern North Carolina. Some Southern-based Grocers like Bi-Lo, Piggly Wiggly, and Harris Teeter who used to be southern but they are now owned by Kroger. ( Who are trying to get the Wiggly pig too, I think)

  4. Valerie padron

    Your bold gingerale suck its horrible it burn my throat husband n granddaughter i throw out the rest5 hours later my throat still hurts

  5. I didn’t really taste “more” ginger. It was ok as far as ginger ale is concerned but not what I expected. My sons and husband complained of the hot, burning in their throats but I really didn’t get that. Come or go, doesn’t bother me. I will just stick to the original.

  6. George Shackelford

    Well, I wrote to Canada Dry a couple of years ago asking them to “step up their game” and make a ginger beer, a ginger ale soda with a lot more kick than the weak ginger drink then in production. Along comes ‘BOLD’. Sorry, but Bold misses the mark by quite a bit. There is barely any improvement over the pale, weak excuse for a ginger drink. I switched from Camada Dry to Schweps because their ginger drink was better, stronger and more refreshing. Why not add to your selection, a real “Ginger Beer”? You’re getting there, but not there yet…. Thanks for the try though.

    1. Ginger beer is vastly different from ginger ale.
      Ginger beer utilizes an actual fermentation process very much like regular beer.
      Soda production plants are not equipped with multiple stage fermentation tanks, wort vats, etc.
      To produce ginger beer, they would have to build a whole new production facility entirely.

    2. You want BOLD? If you have a Kroger near by, their Ginger Beer has all the kick and more. It is hidden in their liquor section next to their club soda and tonic waters. It is very tasty and quite spicy; all at half the price of the competitors.

  7. Definitely more akin to a ginger beer than ginger ale. We also bought the big pack at BJs Wholesale and endured the burning, coughing and sneezing it caused. Barely enjoyable. We’ll go back to the original as soon as we finish this 24 pack. 2 Cans to go…

    I just made a pre-covid19-hunkering-down run to BJ’s to stock up the pantry and freezer. Lo and behold I see THE 24 “BOLD” PACK!!!! I should have known; if it’s still on the shelf, run… don’t walk. The takeaway: It’s like drinking moonshine. It’s been an hour and my esophagus is still burning. So, if it’s the fire-without-a-buzz drink you’re looking for, this is it.

  9. I tried it.. expecting a real ginger taste and sharpness… no such luck… It just tasted a lot sweeter than the regular Canada Dry Ginger Ale. If you are looking for more of a Ginger taste – go straight to Gosling’s Ginger Beer… Great stuff.. and makes the official Dark & Stormy… ummm!
    But I remember as a youth up in New England, Cott soda… and they had a regular ginger ale… and then there was Cott’s Extra Dry Ginger Ale… and it was Golden and GREAT! Super ginger taste and just the right amount of sweetness (light) and the right sharpness or shock value… I wish it was still made… the best Ginger Ale ever…
    Now if you want a real soda with a great “bite” to it… try Old Fashion MOXIE! The Best soda ever!

    1. Both Cott’s Extra Dry Ginger Ale and Cott’s Diet Ginger Ale, produced by the American Beverage Corporation, College Point, NY were recalled in 1981 for “sedimentation and mold”.
      I believe that was the beginning of the end for the product.

      1. I have terrible gastric reflux. CD Bond soothes my stomach almost instantly. I have been drinking CD for years but the Bond is so much better for my daily sick stomach!! Love it!

  10. Verners have a burnt wood taste from the wood barrels it is made in and it overpowers the ginger. What a disappointment! My daughter and I are on our 2nd pack of 24 CD Bold. Refreshing with a kick!

  11. Jesse Westscott

    After trying this new ginger ale i was disappointed. The original is in my opinion better tasting and more refreshing! Might be better as a mixer for alcohol!

    1. Harris Teeter carries the Vernors in Reg and diet. With a shot of gin, a big twist of lime, you’ve got a really tasty drink. A favorite!

  12. Matthew Markovich

    Picked up a 12 can case at FRED MEYERS the other day. Just opened my second can. It’s good. More ginger flavor than the original but still not as good as “VERNOR’S” Ginger Ale. Don’t know how it works against Covid 19 or any other ailments but I’ll find out.

  13. All these people complaining that it burns their throats. If you wanna see a burn in your throat, drink Everclear. This “bold” ginger ale just has the same amount of burn as a Coke. I’ve been drinking multiple cans and it hasn’t bothered me any. Despite the fact that it doesn’t have enough ginger in it to say so, it does help calm my stomach.

  14. I just tried this drink ten minutes ago. I was hoping for a stronger flavor. I didn’t get that, but I did set my lips on fire! They’re still burning. It’s really uncomfortable, like I just ate a hot pepper. I won’t buy this again – no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

    1. I was hoping for more ginger flavor, not a burning sensation. I can get that sucking a hot pepper. Back to the drawing boards guys.

  15. I’ve had the pleasure of having Reed’s and I found that delicious…but who knows maybe that there is someone out there who may or may not like it but I sure as hell did.

  16. “This stiff is supposed to be spicy?” -The vernors drinkers in Michigan and Northern Ohio probably

  17. Always liked ginger ale especially Canada Dry and I like the bold as well cause it has the burn some are complaining about. My only wish would be for a real sugar version, high fructose corn syrup is why there is an after taste in my opinion otherwise I will buy until they discontinue it.

  18. Love the Bold!!Wish there was a Bold Diet choice.The ginger beer “burn” was only on first swallow announcement:yes .This IS bold????(A diet version would have me a regular customer)

  19. Nice taste not harsh or sweet, a true ginger ale with a slight peppery finish.
    For me its Good!_makes me think of the mixed drinks I could make with it

  20. Gary from Appleton Wisconsin

    The ImpulsiveBuyReview by Julie is spot on and well written. Kudos, Julie. Here is my personal experience: I bought a 2-liter bottle of the Canada Dry BOLD Ginger Ale at the grocery store yesterday. I was searching for a more original and unique taste than the usual and commonplace Pepsi or Coca-Cola product; something more sophisticated, soothing, and comforting. As a child, I loved cream soda and ginger ale and found them comforting, and as an adult, I thought that Ginger Ale would do the trick this time. When I saw the BOLD version of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, I thought to myself that a little more intense ginger flavor would be a good thing, better than the original Canada Dry Ginger Ale. When I got home and poured a glass, the extreme soda fizz, bubbles, and scent went up my nose and stunned the inside of my nose. I almost dropped my glass as my inner nose was twitching from inhaling that “Maelstrom of Olfactory Intensity.” I even coughed. My advice: do not breathe in when taking a sip. My mistake. Cautiously, I started taking sips to avoid the popping surface display of fizz. Sadly, I found the ginger flavor to be too diluted by the additional citrus flavors. I could see this flavor mixture working better in a cocktail, but in an individual drink, it was disappointing. BOLD apparently does not mean better ginger flavor, and it was disappointing, but not bad tasting. As I drank more, however, the upper part of the back of my throat started burning. This was completely unexpected, and in fact, fearful to me. The dry, rough, burning sensation is the same dry burning sensation that I usually experience as the first symptom of catching the seasonal Flu virus, and, I had just ventured out into the Corona Virus world of COVID-19 to buy a single bottle of soda. I honestly was not sure if I was about to become the victim of an insidious virus during a world-wide pandemic, or if the burning sensation was somehow related to the new “BOLD” version of the Ginger Ale I had just purchased. Fortunately, as I stopped drinking the Ginger Ale, the burning went away. Hmmm, I thought, curious. Take another sip, burning throat. Drink plain old water, no burn. Take a sip, burning throat again. Drink plain old water, no burn. Preliminary detective work done: The burn seems to be coming from the Ginger Ale! Sigh of relief from a medical infection standpoint. Now, to check the Internet to verify if other people also are experiencing this dry, rough, burning reaction in their throats from drinking Canada Dry BOLD Ginger Ale, or if I am alone in my body’s reaction to drinking the concoction. Perhaps I am allergic to it, I thought. Fortunately, I found the review on this website immediately. What a relief! The review on website and all of the comments below it confirmed that the burn is a real thing related to the soda product. All-in-all, I have to say that I am disappointed by the product. The ginger ale taste, to me, was diminished by the fruit citrus flavor and not made bolder, the bubbles were too intense, and the burn was absolutely unacceptable without the label being rebranded as “Canada Dry Citrus Ginger Ale JALEPENO BURN Style.” The label does not specifically say Jalepenos were used, just “natural flavors,” but Jalepenos are natural so perhaps they were infused into the flavor pact, but I honestly do not know. However, whatever they added to get the burn was a bad corporate decision, in my opinion. Did Canada Dry run this new flavor combination past a consumer tasting panel before releasing it to the public to avoid embarrassment, humiliation, and consumer backlash? Perhaps they should have done so. Finally, I am not a big fan of companies adding unnecessary ingredients to merely color foods or drinks to sell them, so I will add that the Caramel coloring makes it look like urine. Now that I think about it, I do not find that color appealing, but do not ask me what color I think Ginger soda should be. I do not know, but why can’t it just be clear if it is naturally clear? Isn’t consumerism today searching for purity, simplicity, more natural, and less chemicals in products anyways? Clear could be an advantageous selling-point and a corporate cost-saving point. Win-win. Results of my experience trying Canada Dry Ginger Ale BOLD: I won’t be buying it ever again. I poured all of the remaining drink down the drain. Enough said.


  22. I love the Ginger Ale Bold mixed with something. I’ve been mixing it with a Cherry Bubly and its absolutely amazing! I also tried using it as a sugar substitute (besides just plain white sugar) in my homemade Kumbucha. It turned out decent. Still have a lot of experimenting to do in that realm haha. I’d give it a 10/10 mixed with a fruity flavored drink and a 6/10 just by itself because its so stout with flavor it’ll make ya’ want to punch drywall.

    1. I pride myself on being able to drink just about any kind of soda however, i must say CD Ginger Ale Bold is a whole different breed. Much akin to ginger ale with Vicks Vaporub in it. Must be a first cousin to white lightning. Why make moonshine when you can drink this? On the plus side, i must say i haven’t had a sore throat sincei drank it. I have Tussin cough syrup for that and truthfully it tastes better. Won’t be guilty of buying Bold anymore.

  23. Sounds like it’s not too much like Vernor’s, which pleases me. Can’t stand that stuff.

  24. Just tried the Bold. Nope. I’m not sure why Canada Dry even tries to compete with its far superior sister brand, Vernor’s. The regular CD ginger ale is watery and unexciting; the CD “bold” leaves a nasty aftertaste.

  25. Patricia Tawney

    Just purchased the BGA. It is still too sweet. Had hoped Bold would be the ginger, but I still have to add my own ginger to get hold ginger flavor. Which they would stop with the corn syrup, use sugar and less sweet over all.

  26. It burns the lips and does not have a ginger taste to it. Not really impressed. Only cost a buck but will stay with the original. Was hoping for more ginger flavor. Disappointing

  27. Laurence Amato

    I thought it was pretty good,Fevertree its not but a big differace in price it is.Alittle more ginger would be nice.

  28. I have tried the new BOLD Ginger Ale. And the “nose twinge” brought back childhood memories; because that’s what happened 60+ years ago when you drank it. I find it doesn’t please my taste, a bit tense. I had the regular Ginger Ale so; tried something: I mixed half regular and half bold and for me, it’s perfect. And still the nose twinge.

  29. I enjoy soda and up until now i have never tasted one that I didn’t like at least a little. Canada Dry Bold made me physically ill. In the end I barely tasted anything thanks to the burning in my mouth and on my lips. The excess carbonation is trying to drink a soda with pop rocks in your mouth.

  30. If you’re really looking for a true ginger taste, try Bundaberg Ginger Beer from Australia, regular or diet. This has a ginger flavor that far surpasses “ginger ale” of any brand. It is pricier than soda, but really delicious.

  31. I am glad I only bought a 2 liter for 99 cents. My first sip of ginger ale bold tasted like medicine. My second sip tasted like ginger ale mixed with bourbon or whiskey. My third sip tasted like beer and burned my throat and made me go into a coughing fit. I will stick to my regular Canada Dry ginger ale from now on.

  32. I really loved the more robust ginger taste of Hoffman Ginger Ale by contrast to Canada Dry but as far as I can tell
    Hoffman is no longer in business. The best Ginger Ale that I am aware now of is a Dutch product that is available on line only called Royal Club Ginger Ale. It has a full ginger taste and does not try to appeal by being peppery. Unfortunately, I do not know their sugar or true ginger content just now.

  33. Nasty! Taste is okay to start but the after-taste burns and leaves me reaching for something to rinse out the taste! Not at all suitable for a mixer. I’m surprised it passed pre-release taste testing groups.

    1. I tried the bold I do not like it at all. Its too strong and it burns like your eating raw ginger. I wont buy it again

  34. Love the new Bold. Much more like the former Cotton Club I drank as a child. Now I just need sugar-free!

  35. law suit against makers of Canada dry ginger ale for not having any real ginger in their ginger ale just finished where I am. Two people who sued won two hundred grand because makers of Canada dry ginger ale only a small ginger derivative was added. Unfortunately but not surprising, the lawyers for the two who sued got the bulk of the money leaving the two people receiving only $1,600 each.

  36. Disappointed. I just bought a 12 pack (cans). I love a good ginger ale and this tastes more like a vanilla with some ginger. Bold… not really. Maybe a moderate increase but lacked fizz. Won’t get this again.

    1. Update: I had another person try it and they almost spit it out. They described the taste as oily with a hint of vanilla and ginger. No fizz. Maybe we got a bad batch?

  37. After drinking it, I get a burning taste in my throat and down my chest. If I drink almost all of the can, my whole body feels flushed and hot as a reaction to the spicy strong drink. Someone above commented that it’s spicy like cayenne peppers. I am not use to having spicy food so maybe that’s why I felt a bit hot after drinking so much of it.

  38. I’ve often wished for a stronger ginger ale, so I’ve tried several ginger ales, ginger beers, and sucked on some sugared ginger slices. Ginger beer is way too strong; the first sip is interesting, but it burns too much. I’ve thought about diluting ginger beer 1:10 in ginger ale. Once, many years ago, on a plane, I got a familiar-named ginger ale, but it was canned in Jamaica; I liked it – stronger but not overwhelming; never saw it again. This year I noticed Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale, so I tried it. I found it maybe twice as strong as “regular” (stronger but not overwhelming, just a slight bite in the throat afer), and maybe a little less sweet. I wonder why they waited so long, and whether it will stay on the market. One brand of ginger ale that I like is Vernors Ginger Ale, (since 1880, “the oldest surviving ginger soda sold in the United States”) (originally seen only in Michigan, it has been expanding). It is sweeter and has a different flavor because the ginger is aged with other flavors.



  40. One can today April 7 in NY. Thumbs down. After all it has lingering not good aftertaste I do occasionally have premium , natural Virgil’s ginger ale and Bruce Cost. Bruce Cost has enough ginger if on the shelf king enough a layer of it goes to the bottom! This must be Canada Dry effort to protect market share from increasing sales of these and other small premium brands ( if they are truly small independent anymore an not sure)

  41. Normally I love Ginger Ale and thought this would be interesting. The first one I drank I got a severe burning in my throat. I thought it was something in the food I was eating. I gave it another try tonight, definitely will be throwing it out. My throat is still burning!

  42. i thought i’d try this stuff, i like the normal stuff. but this stuff is gross. i don’t taste ginger, what i do taste is lemons/citrus, but mostly its much more acidic, and i’m thinking that boldness is the size of the bubble, combined with the acid. and either that or some other kind of spice added for that weird burn that also made my stomach hurt. and that was with ice.

    ginger burns, but not like that. i was hoping for more ginger flavor of which that soda always lacked. but now with more acid flavor, i don’t know what they were thinking. just wish i picked a different soda.

  43. Of course Canada Dry makes the best ginger ale soda. No doubt about that. So I tried the Bold. Hmm, first sip and it felt a little hot and burning in my throat, but not a bad burning feeling. The taste and the after taste didn’t do much for me. BUT I continued to drink it and it kept getting better tasting. Now I love the stuff, I don’t feel any burn anymore, so now I want some Canada Dry EXTRA BOLD!
    For those who partake, I’ll bet this tastes great with some whiskey in it.

  44. In October 2020, Canada Dry/Mott’s Inc. was successfully sued by Victor Cardoso for $200,000 for claiming it’s product had real ginger with health benefits. Canada Dry Ginger Ale contains only trace amounts of “ginger derivatives” Many people claim ginger ale settles their stomach, but just about any carbonated drink will have the same effect. There is no actual ginger doing anything.

  45. Canada Dry bold is the best ginger ale I’ve ever had. I have Diverticulitis and it’s the best ginger ale to settle my stomach when I go through bouts of diverticulitis. Thank you

  46. I love ginger and grow my own ginger and have eaten it raw with honey and lemon.(a tasty treat!) but even in its raw stage, it has never burned my mouth and lips like this drink. I doubt less than 2% ginger would create such a burn. I’m suspicious that the “other natural flavors” are hot pepper or something similar.

  47. I love this stuff! Ice cold, over ice! Can’t wait to try it next Summer when its over 95 degrees outside….will be even better! Go Bold!!

  48. Where in Northern New Hampshire Can I Find Canada Dry BOLD GINGER ALE ? I Purchased This, and LOVE IT. SO PLEASE TELL ME WHO CARRY’S Your Product ?

  49. I love this product. I read and read. I just knew some where I was gonna find in the ingredients it was pepper in this soda. Stupid me. Very good though.

  50. Daria Rushdan

    I tried Canada Dry Bold. To me if was nasty. I like the original ginger ale. Not good at taste. I had to go out and the orginial ginger ale

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