REVIEW: Fudge Brownie M&M’s

Fudge Brownie M M s

What are Fudge Brownie M&M’s?

Fudge Brownie M&M’s promise to be “everything you love about homemade brownies without even turning on the oven!”

How are they?

I was skeptical that candy could deliver the same experience as a baked good, but they really captured the essence of it!

The candy piece itself is large, like the size of a peanut M&M. But instead of a peanut center, it’s a chewy chocolate core that represents the fudge brownie.

Fudge Brownie M M s Innards

There’s definitely something to be said about the textural contrast of the hard candy shell with the chewy center. That something is: it’s good and creates a candy eating experience that I haven’t had before.

On the flavor front, when I first eat it, I get the classic M&M’s taste from the shell, followed with a subtle fudgy note. This fudginess becomes more pronounced as the shell dissolves. I wouldn’t mind even more brownie flavor, but I get it – there’s only so much “batter” you can pack into a half-inch candy piece.

Is there anything else you need to know?

Fudge Brownie M M s Colors

Aren’t M&M’s usually pretty uniform? I noticed that they were a bit lumpy looking. However, this did not take away from the flavor or overall eat for me!


How many flavors are there now?! It’s a bit overwhelming on-shelf, but this one is worth a try — look for the light purple bag with Ms. Brown!

Purchased Price: $2.98
Purchased at: Walmart
Size: 9.05 oz.
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 oz/28g/11 pieces): 140 calories, 6 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 25 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 18 gram of sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.

9 thoughts on “REVIEW: Fudge Brownie M&M’s”

  1. I personally don’t care for this flavor, but it must be me because most reviews are positive. I personally don’t care for the chewy center, it has the same texture as the caramel and dare I say there is even a hint of the same flavor as the caramel flavor.

  2. I just bought and tried them yesterday. I was surprised at how different the texture was from any other m&m I’ve had. They were chewy, but good. I liked that they’re larger too.

  3. As far as consistency in shape goes, it seems like the ones that have some sort of special filling inside the chocolate layer are always a bit different from one to the other.

  4. Nola Frame-Gray

    Didn’t like ’em. All I could taste was the greasiness and not the chocolate flavor. I wound up throwing the unfinished bag away, something I’ve _never_ done before. Maybe I’m spoiled. I’m used to making my own brownies from scratch.

  5. Michelle Andring

    I have tried the Fudge Brownie M&Ms I Love them. So additive. Thank You, Delicious.

  6. To me they taste mostly like the milk chocolate variety but the fudge flavor comes on at the end. Enjoyed them, the texture difference in each is definitely odd.

  7. I didn’t really care for them. As others said the crunchy shell and then the chewy inside makes for strange taste experience.
    But what I really don’t care for them if they have a somewhat bitter taste. Certainly don’t think I’ll be buying them again.

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