FAST FOOD NEWS: Taco Bell Pineapple Freeze and Pineapple Whip Freeze

News TB Pineapple Freeze

Update: We tried the Pineapple Whip Freeze! Click here to read our review.

Taco Bell wants to sweeten your summer with two new Freezes — the Pineapple Freeze and Pineapple Whip Freeze.

The Pineapple Freeze is, well, as you’ve probably guessed if you’ve had a Taco Bell Freeze before, a slush drink that’s pineapple flavored.

A regular-sized Pineapple Freeze has 160 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 gram of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 50 milligrams of sodium, 41 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 41 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

News TB Pineapple Whip Freeze

The slightly more exciting Pineapple Whip Freeze is a combination of the Pineapple Freeze with something its ingredients list calls “vanilla creamer whip.”

A regular-size one has 210 calories, 1 gram of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 gram of trans fat, less than 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 55 milligrams of sodium, 52 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 49 grams of sugar, and 0 grams of protein.

If you’ve tried either Pineapple Freeze, let us know what you think of it in the comments.

(Images via Taco Bell.)


13 responses to “FAST FOOD NEWS: Taco Bell Pineapple Freeze and Pineapple Whip Freeze”

  1. Darrell Martinsen

    I am really excited about the Pineapple Whip! I wonder how close it will come in taste to Disney’s famous Dole Whip? It’s certainly a lot less expensive!
    Just think if the Pineapple does well and they bring back Orange this summer, we could be having dreamsicle-like Orange Whips! And if we ask our local Taco Bell nicely, they might even “whip” us up a Strawberry Whip! 🙂

  2. MelissaS.

    Just tried the pineapple whip. It was delicious. It wasn’t creamy like a dole whip, but reminded me of it with the vanilla flavored syrup on the bottom of the drink. Mostly a frozen pineapple flavor. Definitely worth getting during happy hour for $1.

  3. Dan

    I got a Baja Blast freeze with the vanilla whip added. It was delicious! Bet it would be really good with the strawberry freeze too.

    1. Darrell Martinsen

      That’s what I said lol. Can’t wait to try them all! 🙂

  4. BigBelly

    Glad to hear the pineapple is back, hopefully they do the cherry sunset at some point again

    1. Tried your idea but tweaked it alittle. Bough a large pineapple freeze whip and froze it when I got home. Once more solid, I put the pineapple whip, a scoop of vanilla ice cream and 2 healthy shots of Malibu in the blender. OMG so good

  5. Sherox

    Yum! 12.5 teaspoons of sugar in a regular sized cup! Sign me up.

    1. holly

      lol a quarter cup plus half a teaspoon of sugar. but hey! fruit!

  6. holly

    lol a quarter cup plus half a teaspoon of sugar. but hey! fruit!

  7. Darla

    I’m very disappointed because I want to try the pineapple freeze from Taco Bell but I can’t find anywhere that says if it has caffeine. I can’t have caffeine because have health issues and take meds to keep heart rate under control. Does anyone know if it has caffeine?

    1. Nick

      Chance it!

    2. Brett

      I’d contact taco bell corporate for that…

  8. Jo Jackson

    I love the pineapple freeze! Why not year round at least in warmer states like Ca and Az.