SPOTTED: Krispy Kreme Mini Crullers and Doughnut Bites

Krispy Kreme Mini Crullers Original Glazed
Krispy Kreme Mini Crullers Original Glazed
Krispy Kreme Mini Crullers  Limited Time Lemon and Blueberry
Krispy Kreme Mini Crullers (Limited Time Lemon and Blueberry)
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Bites Original Glazed
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Bites Original Glazed
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Bites Limited Time Strawberry
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Bites Limited Time Strawberry

Update: We tried them! Click here to read our review.

There are also Chocolate and Apple Cinnamon Doughnut Bites. All are available at Walmart. (Spotted by Bob K at Walmart. Also, hat tip to Melody T for pointing me to all the flavors.)

8 thoughts on “SPOTTED: Krispy Kreme Mini Crullers and Doughnut Bites”

  1. I bought the chocolate donut bites Saturday, and as much as I love chocolate and donuts, there is something off about these. They leave a weird coating on your tongue which mutes the favor, don’t think I will be buying them again. They also don’t roll out of the sleeve, which I found annoying

  2. We tried the strawberry donut bites and threw them away after one donut. They leave this terrible slimy film in your mouth towards the end of the bite.

    1. We liked the strawberry bites but definitely could do without the mouth of wax film after eating. Huge turnoff!

  3. These are disgusting! They leave a wax buildup on the top of your mouth, which takes a long time to get off. Such a waste of money!

  4. i am trying the original crullers right now, and as Kyle notes above – they are indeed a cake donut – maybe sliiiightly airier. but certainly not eggy, custardy, crispy edged crullers you’d get from bakery. sigh. they’ll make a great camping snack at least.

  5. Patrick Barnwell

    Ok what the hell is that greasy/waxey coating on the chocolate bites… disgusting..

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