ANNOUNCEMENT: Looking for New Reviewers (2020 Edition)

We’re looking for reviewers!

If you’d like to apply, here’s what you’ll need to send:

  1. A review of a new product.
  2. Photos of the product you reviewed. (Full resolution versions, please!)
  3. A bio that includes why you want to write reviews for The Impulsive Buy.

A Few Notes:

  • While I’m looking for reviewers in general, I’d really like more reviewers to focus on fast food.
  • The new product can be something we’ve already covered on the site.
  • It’s a paid gig and it’s per review. The pay is not enough for you to quit your day job, but it’s more than enough to cover the coffee you buy to get you through your day job. Well, unless, you order some custom made drink that’s so ridiculous that it causes barista-rage.
  • Because sending rejection emails have slowly eaten away at my soul over the years, if you do not hear from me after two weeks from submitting your sample review, consider that as you not being selected. Okay, actually, make it three weeks because I’m probably going to procrastinate.
  • We’re only looking for writers located in the United States.

Please send your review, bio, and photos as separate attachments. So do not embed your photos into your review.

To apply, please email everything to with “Grimace is so huggable!” in the subject line. We will stop accepting applicants on Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 20:20 Hawaii Standard Time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Thank you.
