I derive great joy from eating foods that are much too spicy for my taste buds and stomach. Call me a masochist, but I always aspire to be like the host of Hot Ones (Sean Evans) but usually end up with tears streaming down my face while blubbering, “..but it’s so good!!!” I’m going to come right out and admit that it was my first Paqui One Chip Challenge and that the reaper bested me. But keep reading for snot, tears, and antacids.
Paqui’s challenge first launched in 2016, and it’s come back every year. Over that time, it’s transformed from what could be mistaken as Flamin’ Hot Doritos to an all-black, super edgy form. Talk about a glow up. The Carolina Reaper, the world’s hottest pepper, has been the inspo and main pepper since Day 1, but the added pizazz this year is scorpion pepper and Sichuan peppercorn. I’m very familiar with Sichuan peppercorn’s delightfully numbing qualities, but had never tried scorpion pepper before.
Upon opening the inner package housing the single tortilla chip, the first thing I noticed was the unpleasant pungent smell. It was unlike anything that had EVER passed through my olfactory epithelium. The sour smell paired with the visual of what looked like charcoal for seasoning added to my already mounting trepidation.
The chewing experience was awful – not because it was immediately incredibly spicy but mainly because of the crumbly, stale texture. It felt like I was trying to chew through a mouthful of dried red pepper flakes.
As for the heat, it was the type of spicy that renders any talking, let alone breathing, impossible without wincing and choking. It was a very agonizing and intense 15 minutes of snot, tears, and saliva – even with milk. However, it was followed by capsaicin-induced endorphins. What added to this feel-good was the slight tingle from the Sichuan peppercorn. It was like Wrigley’s 5 Gum commercial vibes, but with peppers. This deluded top-of-the-world feeling almost made me feel like I could take another chip!
I’m glad I didn’t have another one on hand because it took a turn for the worst. Once the endorphins dissipated, I was left with lingering pain under my tongue and gums (oddly specifically just around my molars). Furthermore, my taste buds were absolutely blitzed. Everything I ate that day tasted less flavorful than usual. The cherry on top came three hours later. I was minding my own business when a roiling stomach pain came to play. It took a max antacid dose before I could begin to function again.
My ultimate measure, though, is how spicy it comes out the other end. Sorry not sorry for the TMI, but it’s important! It was surprisingly tame compared to the entire pre- and during-experience. Thank goodness.
I don’t get to proudly declare myself as The Paqui One Chip Challenge Champ, but I think I held my own. Bring it on, 2021.
Purchased Price: $6.99
Size: .21oz (6g)
Purchased at: Plum Market
Rating: 10 out of 10 (for challenge factor, but 2 out of 10 for taste)
Nutrition Facts: (1 chip) 30 calories, 1 gram of fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 25 milligrams of sodium, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 0 grams of sugar, 0 grams of added sugar, and 0 grams of protein.
So it’s a perfect food product, but it also tastes stale and awful.
I heard this was weaker than previous versions of the chip.
Although this review is late you could have showed the coupon for a free bag of chips.
I know I’m late to the party for this review but I gotta say it. I laughed out loud and snorted reading this review while at work. I got a few weird looks but whatever.. this was funny.
Hehe, she did a good job. Think she is one of the newest addition to the review team.
My boyfriend ate this chip for the first time , 45 minutes after he ate the Chip he got very sick he started constantly throwing up and pooping a lot cold sweats overly pale in his face, very dizzy . This chip should be BANNED!! NOBODY SHOULD EAT THIS DISGUSTING CHIP!!
It did the same to a student who tried it at my school; she had to be transported to the hospital!?
Oh, and when i just opened this back up, i kid (shit?) you not…the ad banner at the bottom was for pepto bismol.
Boy am I late to respond to this, but what great writing! You are hilarious! I’m glad you survived to tell your tale. I can’t wait to read about your Paqui 2021 adventure
I just finished the Paqui 2022 One Chip Challenge. The chip was given to me by my 15 year old son. I wasn’t impressed with this chip. Although it was hot and spicy, I didn’t tear up, cough, gag, spit, choke, experience any tongue burning, stomach pain or any serious discomfort. The worst thing wss a little tearing from my right eye, a couple of minor sniffles, and a burning sensation on my lips that lasted for about 30 minute.
Less than one hour after eating the chip, all symptoms had disappeared and I didn’t drink any water before, during or after eating the chip challenge.
My son and daughter couldn’t believe that I didn’t react at all after eating the chip. They were disappointed because they thought that it would have an adverse affect upon me. It was far less than what I expected and I ask my son for a second chip which he didn’t have.
I honestly think that the chip is overrated and that Wing Stop Atomic Wings tasted hotter. I also ate spicier food when visiting Africa and the Middle East. Ethiopia has many foods that are just as hot or hotter than this chip.