What Lady Gaga Oreo Cookies?
Food icon Oreo has teamed up with music icon Lady Gaga for a limited edition cookie inspired by her latest album Chromatica – a combination of celebrity cache and grocery store cred that Andy Warhol would heartily endorse. Why now, six months after the release of said album? Stop asking questions and eat. Or dance. Or both.
The cookie wafers are bright pink with a kelly green filling – a fun twist, although similar to last year’s Sakura Matcha Oreo from China. Gaga’s colors were brighter, however.
How are they?
While billed as standard Oreos with color, I disagree – these were buttery and had an almond extract flavor. They tasted a lot like spritz cookies (you know, the kind you squeeze out of grandma’s 50-year-old cookie press at the holidays), which was a plus for me!
I’m not sure if this flavor deviation was intentional. The extra food coloring for intensely-hued foods can bring a bitter taste – red/pink are notorious for this. I wonder if more flavor was added to offset any possible bitterness.
Packaging here is disappointing. A lot of white space, and the back has almost nothing on it! Come on, this is GAGA. She ain’t minimalist! I want holographic metallics at least. Mockups of the full-sized pack have a hot pink background and a larger “monster rip”, but even then, meh.
There’s a promotion involved as well, but the only way to know that is the “Scan here for something fun!” QR code on the side. Mmmkay. You can make and share an “Oreogram” singing message.
Anything else you need to know?
Right now, 6-cookie-packs have been released to convenience stores, with full-size package release date TBD.
Fun cookie colors (although not totally new), slightly interesting flavor deviation that might be unintentional, but lame packaging. Worth a try if you love Oreo cookies or Lady Gaga.
Purchased Price: $1.79 each
Size: 6.1oz pack (6 cookies)
Purchased at: 7-Eleven
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2 cookies) 150 calories, 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 80 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of dietary fiber, 12 grams of total sugars, including 12 grams of added sugars, and less than 1 gram of protein.
9 responses to “REVIEW: Lady Gaga Oreo Cookies”
Everyone knows these should have been flavored like sour candy.
i see what you did there mark
so done with these so called theme oreos that taste the same and look diff oreos clearly doesnt know wat to do with themselfs but go off to filling.. seirously id like to see a unique flavor and look.. no thanx
Is that a ‘girl lover’ pedophile sign on those cookies…ewh yuck.
If that’s what you want to see, then sure.
Whoever eats these lady gag gag symbol laden (girl lover pedophilia, chromatica for (chromium/color/chromosomes)/oruborus eating it’s tale/still looking for cookie #4 symbology) cookies, probably should get checked. Guaranteed these cookies also contain HEK 293 provided by senomyx along with flouride as do all processed food! Stay clear of any “ocsiban” products.
These are absolutely terrible. I was hoping for more. Stick with double stuffed.
Oh pedophilia cookies interesting, they do know that’s a symbol used by pedophiles for girl love. . And the other one i suspect is ouroboro symbol
I won’t buy Oreos any longer