What is Ben & Jerry’s Limited Batch Totally Unbaked?
Ben & Jerry’s first limited batch release of 2021 is a twist on its #1 flavor — Half Baked. The twist? Unbaking it hence the Totally Unbaked moniker. Instead of chocolate and vanilla ice creams being mixed with the usual cookie dough and fudge brownie gobs, it’s mixed with cookie dough gobs and brownie batter swirls.
How is it?
The classic base flavors were as delicious as expected from the Vermont duo. The ensemble of rich chocolatey notes with a trill of fudge and the bass of familiar vanilla and cookie dough sang in perfect harmony.
I am a texture fiend, though, so I was a little worried that it would lack in that department, especially since the brownie batter swirls look more like subtle ribbons. I wishfully thought they would add some nuance like the way the chocolate pudding swirls do in the Chocolate Therapy flavor, but no dice. However, the cookie dough and mini chocolate chips carried Team Texture just fine while maintaining the usual eat-straight-from-the-pint scoopability.
Anything else you need to know?
I found it more chocolate-forward when comparing head-to-head with its OG counterpart because the brownie batter was dispersed throughout for a fudge-y bite in nearly every spoonful.
Pick it up if you see it! It’s a limited batch flavor – which means it changes 4-6 months – so it’s an excellent way to shake up your ice cream rotation. However, it’s not as novel as its Topped or Core innovations.
But a Limited Batch variety can become a permanent flavor like Peanut Butter Half Baked, so you never know!
Purchased Price: $4.99
Size: One Pint
Purchased at: Meijer
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2/3 cup/142 grams) 380 calories, 20 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 0.5 grams of trans fat, 75 milligrams of cholesterol, 105 milligrams of sodium, 46 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber, 37 grams of sugar, 6 grams of protein.
3 responses to “REVIEW: Ben & Jerry’s Limited Batch Totally Unbaked Ice Cream”
Ben & Jerry’s chocolate base is not delicious. It is one of the worst for grocery ice cream on the market. That is one of the biggest downfalls of the brand is that chocolate in so many flavors ruin the experience.
Couldn’t agree more. I try to avoid every Ben and Jerrys chocolate based flavor for that reason. Mix ins alone cant carry an ice cream.
I did pitch this idea but with cake batter flavor. They should had done a cake batter flavor with brownie batter swirls & cookie dough.