SPOTTED – 7/28/2021

Here are some interesting new products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of the products, share your thoughts about them in the comments.

Nestle Crunch Monster Eyes

(Spotted by Robbie at Dollar General.)

Reese s Peanut Butter Ghost Notes
Reese’s Peanut Butter Ghost-Notes

(Spotted by Robbie at Dollar General.)

Kit Kat Assortment  Milk Chocolate Pumpkin Pie and White Creme
Kit Kat Assortment – Milk Chocolate, Pumpkin Pie and White Creme

(Spotted by Robbie at Dollar General.)

Fruitify Replenish Pineapple Juice and Coconut Water
Fruitify Replenish Pineapple Juice and Coconut Water
Dole Fruitify Energize Pineapple Juice with Green Tea Extract
Dole Fruitify Energize Pineapple Juice with Green Tea Extract

(Spotted by Rachel J at Safeway.)

Nutpods French Vanilla Almond + Coconut Creamer
Nutpods French Vanilla and Cookie Butter Almond + Coconut Creamer
Nutpods Sweet Creme Almond + Coconut Creamer
Nutpods Sweet Creme Almond + Coconut Creamer

(Spotted by Sarah R at Sprouts.)

Sprouts Organic Original Oatmilk
Sprouts Organic Original Oatmilk
Sprouts Organic Vanilla Oatmilk
Sprouts Organic Vanilla Oatmilk
Sprouts Organic Original Oatmilk Creamer
Sprouts Organic Original Oatmilk Creamer

(Spotted by Sarah R at Sprouts.)

Clif Family Solar Grown Honey Spreads  Cacao and Cinnamon
Clif Family Solar Grown Honey Spreads (Cacao and Cinnamon)

These have been available for awhile from the Clif website, but the Clif is the same Clif as Clif Bar. Just thought I’d share. (Spotted by Sarah R at Whole Foods.)


14 responses to “SPOTTED – 7/28/2021”

  1. Ben

    Monsters eyes…………thanks but no thanks

  2. Tamme

    The Fruitify Replenish beverages instantly appealed to me. But, I will say: Even to someone who is no cheap-skate, by any means, the price-point for the package size and unit ounces seem pretty steep. I would still try them, if I ever saw them, though.

    1. Holly May

      I dunno, price point seems fairly reasonable, especially if you compare it to straight pineapple juice. I’m interested in trying them too! I imagine that they’ll have decent distribution.

  3. Melinoe

    It’s so weird that I’ve been seeing Halloween stuff EVERYWHERE since June. I feel like this stuff doesn’t normally come out so early haha.

    1. Holly May

      It makes me happy! All other “holiday” stuff comes out way beforehand and finally Hallowe’en (my favourite 😉 ) is garnering more presence…though as with all “holidays,” its true spirit and meaning is simply becoming ever more commercialized.

  4. Holly May

    um…anyone else chuckle at “nut pods?”

    1. AJ

      I always chuckle when someone says “nut butter” ?

      1. Holly May

        Tehehe. 🙂 You are my people.

        1. Alex Trexler

          I got a Monster Eye the other day at Dollar General. I don’t know if I got a defective one, but the candy doesn’t look like a monster eye at all. It’s just an egg that says “CRUNCH”.

          1. Nancy

            Yes,looks like they just used an egg shaped mold.

  5. D

    i thought all the flavoured coffee creamers that you have in the US were non dairy anyway so the demand for a nut milk one would be small?

    1. Holly May

      Hmm, couldn’t be further from the truth.

      1. D

        I guess something without whatever the weird ingredients are in coffee creamers which seem to have stopped them becoming a thing in the UK. If these nut milk ones are less artificial, maybe they will make it over the pond as we still have nothing like this here.

  6. Cory

    I’m a bit of an over-holidayed grinch, but holidays do bring interesting junk food.