BACK ON SHELVES: Lay’s Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese (2021)

Limited Time Flavor Lay s Cheddar Bacon Mac  Cheese Potato Chips

Hey, Matt Allen! Your flavor is back again! (It also came back in 2017 and 2019) Here’s our review from the year it debuted as part of 2014’s Do Us a Flavor promotion with Matt Allen’s name on it. (Spotted by Junior at Dollar General.)


3 responses to “BACK ON SHELVES: Lay’s Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese (2021)”

  1. Tamme

    I have no idea who Matt Allen is…but, dang, I want this flavor in my mouth.

  2. Matt Allen


  3. The Real Matt Allen

    I’m the real Matt Allen, and I approve this re-release.