The Impulsive Buy

REVIEW: Chewy Chips Ahoy Hershey’s Fudge Filled Cookies

Chips Ahoy Hershey s Fudge Filled Cookies Package

What are Chewy Chips Ahoy Hershey’s Fudge Filled Cookies?

Love Chewy Chips Ahoy but wish they were like 7% better? Well, have I got a cookie for you!

How are they?

I guess the main problem – if you wanna call it a problem – is that these are essentially just Chewy Chips Ahoy with a bit more chocolate.

Chips Ahoy Hershey s Fudge Filled Cookies Filling

As the name suggests, there’s a thin layer of Hershey’s chocolate fudge in the center of each cookie. While it tastes distinctly Hershey in isolation, the cookie really wasn’t much different than normal.

I think my main hang-up is that I still have no clue if the chips were also Hershey’s or the same chocolate Nabisco has always used.

Chips Ahoy Hershey s Fudge Filled Cookies Sleeves

While I definitely tasted Hershey, there wasn’t much variance from the fudge center to the chips. Either they were also Hershey without the bag mentioning it, or my brain was playing tricks on me. Or maybe its regular chocolate just isn’t that far off from Hershey, making this release kinda pointless?

Either way, I like Chewy Chips Ahoy, and I like Hershey’s chocolate, so I can’t really complain.

Anything else you need to know?

Ok, just a little…

I don’t necessarily know what I expected from that word “fudge” here, but it’s just a gritty, chocolate layer of mush. I suppose that passes as “fudge” in a mass-produced cookie. It just felt like they took five or six more chips and smushed them in the middle of the cookie. The package gave me the impression it would be gooier.

The package also recommended eating these with ice cream, but I went the other way and popped a few in the microwave. It “gooed” up the center a bit, but unfortunately didn’t change the experience too much.


Look, I like Chewy Chips Ahoy, so I liked these. I also like saying, “Chewy Chips Ahoy,” and think it should replace “cellar door” as the most beautiful combination of words.

In the end, the Hershey of it all didn’t make these unique. By the time I was five cookies in, I just thought I was eating “Extra Chocolatey” Chewy Chips Ahoy, but I guess the keywords there are “five cookies in.” These went down ridiculously fast. They’re two biters at most. I ate the entire package in a single night. Take that how you will.

Purchased Price: $2.69
Size: 9.6 oz.
Purchased at: Shop Rite
Rating: 6 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2 Cookies) 150 calories, 7 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 105 milligrams of sodium, 20 grams of total carbohydrates, 11 grams of total sugars, less than 1 gram of fiber, 1 gram of protein.

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