SPOTTED: Nashville Hot Cheetos

Nashville Hot Cheetos Crunchy

Nashville Hot Cheetos Crunchy Back

First, it was Mexican Street Corn Cheetos. Now we have Nashville Hot Cheetos. I see the beginning of a trend forming. Will we see Chesapeake Bay Crab Spice Cheetos, Thai Sweet Chili Cheetos, or Chicago Deep Dish Pizza Cheetos in the future? (Spotted by Robbie at Dollar General.)


6 responses to “SPOTTED: Nashville Hot Cheetos”

  1. Tamme

    “Will we see Chesapeake Bay Crab Spice Cheetos, Thai Sweet Chili Cheetos, or Chicago Deep Dish Pizza Cheetos in the future?”

    ^Yes! Please!

    1. Jane

      I don’t know which of those flavors interests you, but if you’d like a pizza one, Herr’s has Deep Dish Pizza Cheese Curls for sale on their website, and they’re delicious!

      1. Tamme

        Yummo! If only I had any idea where I could pick them up, near me. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Herr’s in the stores here. Hmmm…Google task, for the day.

  2. Jane

    I don’t know which of those flavors interests you, but if you’d like a pizza one, Herr’s makes Deep Dish Pizza Cheese Curls, and they’re delicious!

  3. Ty

    I say bring on the Chile con queso with chorizo Cheetos!

  4. ML

    speaking of. why don’t velveeta/rotel collab on some kind of chip with their queso? cheetos or doritos are made for that.