What are Skittles Shriekers?
There are five Skittles flavors in this mix: shocking lime (light green), ghoulish green apple (darker green), rattled raspberry (purple), citrus scream (light orange), and spine-tingling tangerine (darker orange). Most of them are normal, but “some are so sour they will make you shriek!”
It’s the same idea as the Zombie Skittles I reviewed two years ago, but without the repulsive rotten flavor.
How are they?
I like all the flavors! Tangerine is the most sophisticated flavor, but lime and green apple are also fantastic. Raspberry and citrus are less interesting, but I still like them.
The sour ones have the same flavors as the non-sour ones, but they get more sour the more you chew (unlike regular Sour Skittles, which have a sour coating on the outside). They’re less sour than Warheads, more similar to Sour Patch Kids. They didn’t make me shriek, but my eyelids twitched!
These trick-or-treat fun-size packages have about fifteen Skittles each, but only two or three are sour. That’s a shame, because they’re a lot of fun! With the Zombie variety, you didn’t want too many gross ones, but this variety would benefit from more sour.
Anything else you need to know?
Aesthetically, both the packaging and the candy itself are more Halloweeny than previous varieties. I dig it!
But that skeleton made me have a nightmare that I took corpses and skeletons from a mausoleum to Carrie Underwood’s house.
I am so happy Skittles didn’t merely change the flavors for Halloween; instead, the candy is an experience. It’s definitely an improvement on the intentionally disgusting Zombie packs.
I just wish there were more sour ones.
Purchased Price: $3.00
Size: 10.72 oz. bag (20 fun-size packs)
Purchased at: Dan’s
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 pack/15 grams) 60 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of sodium, 14 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of total sugar, 11 grams of added sugar, and 0 grams of protein.
4 responses to “REVIEW: Skittles Shriekers”
Love the look and use of the skull!
Although distressing-sounding, the description of your dream made me laugh!
The ones with the rotten ones were revolting. I had a couple and happened to eat a zombie one and it made me spit it out. I threw the rest of them away with a vengeance.
non are sour
there’s no red and yellow
grape taste like kids fever syrup medicine.
last year were more scarier. Actually disgucting.