REVIEW: Limited Edition Fantastic Chocolate Dr Pepper

Limited Edition Fantastic Chocolate Dr Pepper

Most of us know about Dr Pepper’s blend of 23 flavors. But we don’t know what those 23 flavors are, which I imagine are behind 23 doors and locks. It could be molasses. It could be moles (animal, skin blemish, or both). So when the brand comes out with a new variety, like this Limited Edition Fantastic Chocolate Dr Pepper, we don’t know if the chocolate is a 24th flavor or one of the 23, but with a lot more of it.

While you ponder that for the rest of your life, I should let you know that this isn’t the first time chocolate has been added (or enhanced?) in a Dr Pepper variety. In 2008, there was Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr Pepper, which had an unusual chocolate flavor that made it hard for me to drink in one sitting.

However, this Limited Edition Fantastic Chocolate Dr Pepper is (yes, I’m going to use it) fantastic. It somewhat tastes like someone added a little Hershey’s syrup to Dr Pepper. Besides the chocolate, there’s also a noticeable marshmallow or vanilla taste that goes along with it. I know it makes absolutely no sense that the addition of chocolate would do that, but that’s what my taste buds noticed.

I don’t know if this is a sign of how much I enjoyed this, but I drank both cans I received from Dr Pepper without remembering to take a photo of the beverage in a glass for this review. “So good that it makes you forget to take pictures of it” is probably something Dr Pepper should print on the can.

But here’s the deal with obtaining this soda, you can only get it by signing up for Pepper Perks, buying a bunch of Dr Pepper products for points, and then redeeming those points for the limited edition soda. If you’re a regular Pepper drinker, I think it’s worth the effort.

Although it’s not better than getting it from a brick-and-mortar store, I like this idea. Because, as the internet has shown us, if you put up something for sale online in limited quantities for everyone with very little friction, it’ll sell out faster than $99 50-inch HDTVs on Black Friday at Walmart.

With the football on the can, I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to drink this while watching a game. But I drank both while watching our solar system’s favorite ball, the sun, as it went down on the biggest and highest definition screen, the sky, during the biggest game, life.

DISCLOSURE: I received a free product samples. Thanks, Dr Pepper! Doing so did not influence my review. Although I can see how some might think so.

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 12 oz cans
Purchased at: Received from Dr Pepper
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 can) 150 calories, 0 grams of fat, 55 milligrams of sodium, 40 grams of carbohydrates, 39 grams of sugar, 39 grams of added sugar, and 0 grams of protein.


9 responses to “REVIEW: Limited Edition Fantastic Chocolate Dr Pepper”

  1. Tamme

    As soon as I saw this review, I was instantly reminded of my much-beloved and much-missed Canfield’s Diet Chocolate Fudge soda, from growing up in the ’80s. (They also had two additional variants: Diet Cherry Chocolate Fudge and Diet Peanut Chocolate Fudge…both of which were every bit as scrumptious as the original version.)

    Darn you, Marvo, for bringing up those tasty memories, and making me further lament the passing of those amazing childhood beverages. ::shakes fist::

    1. Kat

      Did you at least get to try the Dr Pepper diet chocolate cherry when it came out in 2007? It was sooooooo goooood. And reminded me of all the chocolate soda drinks i had in the past.

      1. Tamme

        I’m sad to say that I did not. I never even heard of its release, until just now; if it I did, I would have sooo hunted it down! ::frowny face::

    2. Lilly

      We were able to get Canfield’s diet chocolate fudge soda in six packs until just a few months ago in Giant grocery stores when it was discontinued temporarily they think. The good news is that Polar diet chocolate fudge soda which is readily available in grocery stores is even more delicious than Canfield’s.

    3. Heather Feather

      We were able to get Canfield’s diet chocolate fudge soda in six packs until just a few months ago in Giant grocery stores when it was discontinued temporarily they think. The good news is that Polar diet chocolate fudge soda which is readily available in grocery stores is even more delicious than Canfield’s.

  2. Kat

    I scrolled too fast and i got way too excited because i thought this was a re-release of diet dr pepper chocolate cherry…and then my hopes died.

    1. Jane

      I LOVED IT, TOO!!!

  3. Amy Barnes

    This sounds so good! Johnny Rockets (the hamburger/fries diner restaurant) will make it for you with chocolate syrup and cherry syrup. Sonic will too. They both look at me funny when I ask for the combination but there’s something about the chocolate flavor that is so nostalgic.

  4. FrugalCat

    How much caffeine is in this? I remember the Canfield’s- nobody in my household except my dad would touch the stuff.