SPOTTED: Crush Sparkling Fruit Punch

Crush Sparkling Fruit Punch

You can also get carbonated fruit punch by putting some regular fruit punch through a Sodastream, which Sodastream absolutely does not recommend. (Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)


10 responses to “SPOTTED: Crush Sparkling Fruit Punch”

  1. Jim

    Can soda be sparkling? I thought the two were different (i.e. soda water vs. sparkling water) but could be mistaken.

    1. Holly May

      They’re the same.

  2. mh

    just add vidka

    1. Tamme

      As much as I have always hated anything fruit-punch-flavored/-related, I’ll admit that the addition of vodka would fix things up, for me, tout de suite. 🙂

      1. Jane

        Ugh, you and I would never get along. I would stab someone over Hawaiian Punch.

  3. mh

    just add vodka. or rum. ooooh and pineapple & coconut – rum punch. yum.

  4. Skinny D

    Crush is amazing and fruit punch is amazing but I wish they would come out with more cool flavors in diet.

  5. Matt johnson

    So another Tahitian Treat clone then

    1. Holly May

      My reaction too. I don’t really like fruit punch and every now and then I do crave a Tahitian Treat…

  6. John W

    I believe Shasta has done a carbonated fruit punch drink, called Tiki Punch.