Here are some new seasonal products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts in the comments.

(Spotted by DJ at Redner’s.)

(Spotted by Rachel J at Safeway.)

(Spotted by Tommy at Shaw’s)

(Spotted by Rachel J at Safeway.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

(Spotted by DJ at Food Lion.)

(Spotted by Rachel J at Safeway.)

(Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

(Spotted by Tommy at Shaw’s)

(Spotted by Rachel J at Safeway.)

In case you missed it, here’s our review that we posted a few days ago. (Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)
4 responses to “SPOTTED (SEASONAL EDITION) – 11/17/2021”
Have never seen those Toll House Red Velvet cookies before? But they look really enticing! Nice to see Nestle still has some tricks up their sleeves…
This year everybody’s cookie christmas trays brought to you by Toll House! (Shh…nobody will ever know.)
Shaw’s! i haven’t seen that name in aaaaages. i grew up in Maine with Shaw’s and Shop n’ Save (now Hannaford) as our primary supermarkets, but haven’t been to one in 30+ years.
I’d eat the whole darn sheet of Rice Krispie treats. Nice too that pillsbury tells us sugar cookie dough is safe to eat raw. I love the Hershey bars, I need to get some of these. And for some reason I want the dumb dough boy shaped pan.