SPOTTED: Kellogg’s Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor Pop-Tarts

Kellogg s Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor Pop Tarts

Kellogg s Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor Pop Tarts 16 Pack

I can’t believe this Pop-Tarts flavor didn’t come out before this maple-flavored Pop-Tarts variety. These two big breakfast brands have been under the same Kellogg’s umbrella for longer than many of you have been alive, but only now this happens. (Spotted by Leonard at Giant.)

1 thought on “SPOTTED: Kellogg’s Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor Pop-Tarts”

  1. I actually spotted these ~2 weeks ago at a Martin’s (owned by Giant), but didn’t bother to send in the photo, seems others would beat me to the punch, so I gave up on doing so. I bought a box and am looking forward to trying them…think they should be much better than the maple-fake bacon ones they had a while back >yuck<

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