REVIEW: Frosted Boston Creme Donut and Frosted Apple Fritter Pop-Tarts

Frosted Boston Creme Donut and Frosted Apple Fritter Pop Tarts

On a website full of reviewers devoted to seeking out the greatest junk food, claiming any sort of donut expertise would involve Icarus-level hubris, and I’m not trying to drown in a sea of comments. However, as a native Bay Stater turned Southern California resident, I’ve spent my life in two places that are well known for the treat and feel comfortable claiming a deep love for doughnuts, which I spelled in full to pay proper respect. And of all the varieties that can make up a delicious dozen, someone from Massachusetts especially appreciates the donut shop staples that inspired the two newest Pop-Tarts: the Boston cream donut and the apple fritter. I was excited to see how they fared in toaster pastry form.

Frosted Boston Creme Donut Pop Tarts Icing

Let’s start with the Frosted Boston Creme Donut. I was skeptical because the bakery item this ‘Tart is based on is no slouch. We’re talking about the official state donut of the home of Dunkin’ Donuts here. But they certainly smelled like a Boston cream donut in the foil and looked exactly as a Pop-Tart version would and should. After taking a bite, I had to admit it was pretty close. The chocolate on top was too mild to evoke the thick frosting that would be on a donut but tasted nice. The custard filling was rich with hints of butterscotch, though achingly, unflinchingly sweet. I wouldn’t want to eat this for breakfast. But I never eat Boston cream donuts before noon, either.

Frosted Boston Creme Donut Pop Tarts Split

I’m not sure if heating up Boston cream donuts is a thing, but of the four ways one can enjoy a Pop-Tart according to the box (as-is, frozen, microwaved, and toasted), I thought toasted was the clear winner. It really intensified the chocolate flavor and made for a more balanced bite.

Frosted Apple Fritter Pop Tarts Icing

The Frosted Apple Fritter Pop-Tart felt like very comfortable territory for the brand. Fruit and frosting is a no-brainer for them at this point, and one could argue this was a little phoned-in. It smelled like any basic apple baked good but was not easily recognizable as an apple fritter. I had a similar feeling about the flavor. Knowing what it was supposed to taste like, I could convince myself that the frosting was like the hearty coating of glaze on a good fritter. The dried apples that found themselves in the “Contains 2% or less of” section of the ingredients packed a wonderful sharp appley punch (next level food science) that seemed to be coated in the same cinnamon as the chunks that dot the real thing. If I’m being honest with myself? This was just a very good apple Pop-Tart.

Frosted Apple Fritter Pop Tarts Split

If you need this one to taste like a fritter, I did find freezing it brought it closer to its namesake’s flavor profile. If you want to have a great time and don’t care about the name on the box, toast it. Hot apple cinnamon filling never hurt anybody. Okay, never hurt anybody patient enough to let it cool down enough first.

When I reflected on them as a pair, I realized the flavors were technically successful but shared the same fatal flaw: they aren’t exclusively donut flavors to begin with. The apples in a fritter are reminiscent of pie filling, and the Boston cream donut is unapologetically supposed to taste like a type of cake. Those flavors paired with a crumbly pastry crust? Well, to loosely quote a line said to a fellow donut lover on The Simpsons, ’tis a fine pie/cake Pop-Tart, but sure ‘tis no donut Pop-Tart.

So, they miss out on the same respect I pay doughnuts. But I do respect Pop-Tarts for always trying to give us offerings that are both comfortingly familiar and intriguingly unexpected.

Purchased Price: $3.29 (Both)
Size: 8-pack box (Both)
Purchased at: Shaw’s (Both)
Rating: 6 out of 10 (Frosted Boston Creme Donut), 7 out of 10 (Frosted Apple Fritter)
Nutrition Facts: (2 pastries) Frosted Boston Creme Donut – 370 calories, 9 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 250 milligrams of sodium, 70 grams of total carbohydrates, 31 grams of total sugars, 1 gram of fiber, and 4 grams of protein. Frosted Apple Fritter – 370 calories, 9 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3 grams of saturated fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 260 milligrams of sodium, 69 grams of total carbohydrates, 29 grams of total sugars, 1 gram of fiber, and 4 grams of protein.

17 thoughts on “REVIEW: Frosted Boston Creme Donut and Frosted Apple Fritter Pop-Tarts”

  1. Yet another great review, Alex! I also appreciate your dedication to trying each variety in all of its forms and giving us a “taste” of which is the best. Looking forward to your next review!

  2. Nicely put, Alex. I enjoyed reading your review. As a good Southerner, I’m proudly from the Krispy Kreme school. They even named it with the two adjectives we are all looking for, right? krispy and kremey. Spelling anything with an initial K always classes it up, I think.
    Anyway, I’m not a Pop-Tart fan. I grew up too long ago in the dismal era of shredded wheat–gag. I confess I have enjoyed a toaster strudel from time to time. All this to say, your review has tilted me towards trying either or both of these items. Do they ever market a box of mixed flavors? I don’t wanna invest in two whole boxes and I don’t t think the food pantry can accept an open box, even though I know each pair of tarts is sealed individually.

    1. Thanks, Annie! I will admit I prefer a Toaster Strudel to a Pop-Tart, and it may be hard to find one that compares to that experience. I think the key to Pop-Tarts is first finding the flavor that works for you, then all the others start to make sense. My personal favorite is Frosted Blueberry, which I think a lot of people sleep on. Perhaps Frosted Boston Creme Donut and Frosted Apple Fritter will make everything click into place for you. 🙂

      I have seen Pop-Tart variety packs, but I think those exclusively house their most popular flavors. I would be psyched if they started branching out and doing more of them. The two in the review alone could be in a Donut Shop themed box, and the Peach Cobbler, Banana Crème Pie, and Lemon Crème Pie varieties from last summer seem destined to be sold together.

      1. Hey, that’s a smart marketing idea. Any food company–or any service company for that matter–is missing a bet if they don’t solicit ideas from their users–have someone to filter through the submissions, it would more than pay for itself with good ideas. I remember the first time I saw those stupid little hard candies that were supposed to be the center of a Lifesaver–what an epic fail! facepalm. Users have the best insight into a product because? we >USE< it!

        I'm working on a scheme to get companies to keep things the way they are, for a price–there a many of us who like things the way they are, but everyone wants an income stream. I'm currently steamed about the change to the Huggies wet wipes container opening–so bad! Ah well, thanks for listening. You made an error encouraging me! haha Now I am going to get me a real deep-fried apple fritter!

  3. Does this taste like that crisp apple poptart? If so definitely going to pass because that one tasted really weird haha.

    1. I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t tried Frosted Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts, despite coming close to picking up a box a few times. I compared the ingredients lists and it looks like the main difference is the Frosted Apple Fritter contains cinnamon and molasses. I imagine that makes a significant difference in the flavor of the filling, but I can’t say for certain yet, sorry.

  4. I swear, I hate how Pop Tarts misrepresents the amount of frosting on the package. It is so disappointing to get almost 1/2 less on the pop tarts than what is on the box. I think companies need to stop misrepresenting products in pictures. It totally alters the taste of the pastry.

    1. While I would agree, in other cases, in the case of these two particular varieties: I have to say, the real-life photos of them, from the actual review, look nearly identical to the photos on their respective boxes. Spot-on, I dare say.

    2. Hi Dave! While this is sometimes the case with Pop-Tarts (I always eat the bare parts first so I can end on a frosted bite), these boxes were successful in delivering the amount of frosting promised on the front of the package. I’m not sure if all the boxes of these flavors are consistent or if they will vary by batch, but I certainly wasn’t disappointed by the ones I picked up.

  5. I tried the Boston Creme Donut version and was disappointed. It’s not bad but I won’t be buying another box. Dave Copeland, you’re spot on with the frosting comment. It does not look like the one on the box.

    Alex, I have a question for you, assuming you read these comments. I am also originally from Mass and also moved to California. The article says you purchased these at Shaw’s. I thought Shaw’s was a New England thing. I’ve never seen one in California. Are there Shaw’s supermarkets in Southern California?

    1. Good eye! I was home for the holidays, sadly no Shaw’s in Southern California. Though I find myself missing Market Basket the most!

  6. So I picked up both boxes, have yet to try them myself, but I noticed the Frost Apple Fritter image is low quality. Like someone took a Low res pic and blew it up. Thought they cared more about visuals than that?

    1. That was odd to me too, Andrew. At first I thought the fuzziness was on my end and kept retaking my photo of the box, haha!

  7. Here’s what I think. I’ve worked for decades in digital design and I say that’s either lazy, a mistake of not updating the image from an FPO file [for position only], or simply ignorance. I think we are gonna see a lot more decline in work products and services as a result of The Pandemic, going forward. I think all of us need more reminders that COVID is verifiable as stemming directly from Climate Crisis. Everything is so far out of balance, we are slip-sliding away. And I think we definitely all need more junk food comfort. Maybe the package production department can’t afford to care these days. . . I know, I know I’m Debbie Downer, but not sorry-not-sorry. May God help us all when a low-res pic gets onto a mass-produced junk food product. Canary on the grocery shelf, haha. Mad Max scenarios are coming soon to a neighborhood near you

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