REVIEW: Oreo Thins Extra Stuf

Oreo Thins Extra Stuf Pkg

Oreo Thins debuted in 2015 as a thinner, crispier iteration of America’s Favorite Cookie. Initial reactions were varied — are these the Diet Coke of Oreo? Are these supposed to be marketed as a higher volume, lower calorie cookie? Or something else entirely?

While it is true that Thins carry a greater caloric bang for your buck, with four cookies equaling the calories of two regular Oreo, I view these as something entirely different: a satisfying crispy bite that falls somewhere between an OG Oreo wafer and an airier, Kit Kat-adjacent bite.

Their gentle crunch is notably unique when compared to the more abrasive classic wafer, and I really enjoy it. As much as I enjoyed the Thins and their various flavor offshoots, I’ve always had one qualm — I want more creme filling! Nearly seven years after their debut, Nabisco has answered my (silent) call with Oreo Thins Extra Stuf.

Oreo Thins Extra Stuf Stack

Notably, these aren’t Double Stuf, but “extra.” So exactly how much is extra? My gut feeling is that it’s even more than double the creme amount from original Oreo Thins, which is interesting because why not call it Double? Double Stuf is the pinnacle of Oreo perfection and applying that iconic title to the Thins line simply makes sense. But perhaps it’s too tricky because these don’t have the same amount of filling as full-sized Double Stuf. Okay, I’m confusing myself now. Either way, I’m not going to complain, there’s more than enough creme in there, and it’s great.

Oreo Thins Extra Stuf Top

The creme is so much more pronounced than original Thins. It pushes against the thin and crispy wafer and really lets its presence be FELT. The taste is the same that you’ve known (and worshiped?) for your entire life, and the cookie has a gentle crunch, but it isn’t crumbly or lacking structural integrity. Bittersweet crunchy cocoa meets smooth sweet and sugary creme filling. What’s not to love?

The most exciting aspect of this overdue upgrade to the Thins line is the possibility of Extra Stuf’d limited offerings down the road. Thins have had a handful of more “adult” flavors never offered as full-sized big bro Oreo, most notably Coconut and Pistachio, that I would love to see beefed up with some extra creme.

Oreo Thins Extra Stuf feels like the rare product that has the potential to win over both fans and skeptics of the original release. If you liked the original version, you’d probably dig these, and if you didn’t, that extra Stuf might make you a believer.

Purchased Price: $3.49
Size: 13.97 ounces
Purchased at: Walmart
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (3 Cookies) 130 calories, 6 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 70 milligrams of sodium, 19 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 12 grams of sugar, and less than 1 gram of protein.

4 thoughts on “REVIEW: Oreo Thins Extra Stuf”

  1. I am pretty excited about these. I like the thin wafer of the Oreo thins, but also found there to be not enough cream. I look forward to hunting these down.

    1. I found them in Walmart over the weekend. I totally agree with the review, the regular seem to have less crème than other flavors for some reason too. These have a perfect amount.

  2. I like thin oreos much better than the regular ones. They have changed their formula way too much over the years.

  3. I can’t wait to grab these. The lack of creme was my only complaint about the thin Oreos, so this will make it the perfect cookie for me.

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