The Impulsive Buy

REVIEW: Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen

Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen Cans

What is Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen?

It’s a peach-flavored addition to Monster Energy’s sugar-free Ultra line, which mainly has one-word product names like Gold, Watermelon, Fiesta, Rosa, Paradise, Violet, Red, Blue, and Black.

How is it?

Well, I’m happy to say that Peachy Keen is peachy-keen, jelly bean!

With the previously mentioned Ultra Gold, I felt the pineapple flavor wasn’t strong enough. But that’s not the case with this flavor that has a peachy punch that makes my oral portal perceive it’s packed with peach gummy rings.

I feel as if I’ve used that reference before with another peach-flavored energy drink, but I can’t help it because that’s EXACTLY what this tastes like, except in a liquid form that doesn’t stick to your teeth like gummy rings do.

Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen Closeup

I’m enamored with this energy drink so much that I’m a bit sad that I could only find it in 12-ounce slim cans. But I’ve seen images of it in the standard 16-ounce can. If you haven’t had a slim can Monster energy drink, this one has 110 milligrams of caffeine.

Also, although this is a sugar-free energy drink, I can imagine some might find this flavor to be a bit too sweet. I don’t, but others might.

Anything else you need to know?

Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen Design

The can’s design has a 60s motif with hippies, peace signs, flowers, smiley faces, and a love wagon. And the copy on the can’s side references the summer of love. Now, I wasn’t born in the 60s, but peachy-keen seems like it’s pre-hippie. Can some groovy person set me straight about that?

The first reference of the term “peachy-keen” happened in the 1950s. But the hippie movement in the US didn’t start until the mid-1960s. I know slang can survive decades because I use “rad” all the time, but was that the case with “peachy-keen”?

Also, I’m surprised this wasn’t called Peace Peach. Although, now that I think about it, I imagine that might cause the opposite of peace with Peace Tea’s peach flavor.


Peachy Keen is a far out tasting addition to Monster’s Ultra line. It’s definitely one of my top three favorite Monster Ultra flavors. If you’re a fan of peach gummy rings and caffeine, this will satisfy your taste buds and bloodstream.

Purchased Price: More than one should pay on eBay
Size: 12 oz cans (available in a multi-pack)
Purchased at: eBay
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 can) 0 calories, 0 grams of fat, 230 milligrams of sodium, 2 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of sugar, 0 grams of protein, and 110 milligrams of caffeine.

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