No, it’s not mint flavored.
I assume this is the answer to the first question that popped into your head when you saw the product name. And it’s a reasonable thing to ask: Dunkin’ introduced the Shamrock Macchiato in a news release only two days after the iconic St. Patrick’s Day shake with the same moniker and color returned to McDonald’s.
I love mint and coffee together, so I was let down to learn this beverage instead contained the preexisting (albeit seasonal) Irish Creme flavor swirl with a clover-hued makeover. Still, I think Irish cream is delicious and I love that this swirl lets me enjoy the taste of it sans alcohol, so my disappointment quickly dissipated as I became eager to see how it complemented a macchiato.
As I mentioned, the Irish Creme swirl is a bright, grassy green this year. It was drizzled into 2% milk (the default at that store) in the bottom half of my to-go cup, which lightened the shade to a pastel. With the espresso on top, there was a unique color blocking effect that would cause a few rubbernecks from passersby, but I honestly didn’t find the combination of colors all that attractive.
I’ve heard of people drinking a simple two ingredient cocktail of Bailey’s and milk, and I totally get it now. I took a sip of just the Irish Cremed milk before mixing the two halves, and it was rich and delicious. Dunkin’ definitely got the essence of Irish cream right and did a great job mimicking the taste and slight burn of the alcohol in this swirl. However, the sweetness of the syrup with whatever was used to give it a faux whiskey flavor oddly gave it notes of cherry and almond that, while tasty, would make more sense in an Amaretto flavor swirl.
Once mixed, the macchiato took on a nauseous green tinge that made it look like it had eaten some bad oysters. Luckily it tasted way better than it looked, and I think it was a smart move to add Irish Creme to a macchiato. The strong and bitter espresso toned down the sweetness of the swirl and made it more balanced than it would be in a drink made with Dunkin’s thinner and milder coffee. The Irish Creme paired nicely with the espresso and milk as one would expect, but the swirl may have tasted even more like the real thing if the drink had been made with whole milk since Irish cream is, well, creamier.
If you can overlook the misleading name, the occasional discomfort of feeling like you’re breaking the law as you drink it in the car, and the sickly green hue upon stirring, give this macchiato a try. I wouldn’t say it sham-rocks, but it’s clo-very good.
Purchased Price: $5.05
Size: Medium
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (With whole milk) 280 calories, 6 grams of fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 3.5 grams of saturated fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, 190 milligrams of sodium, 48 grams of total carbohydrates, 45 grams of total sugars, 0 grams of fiber, and 8 grams of protein.
12 responses to “REVIEW: Dunkin’ Shamrock Macchiato”
As much as I hate coffee, I’m honestly peeved that this isn’t mint flavored. Very poor choice, IMHO. Way to drop the ball, DD!
They should give us choice between a mint swirl and a Irish cream swirl
I am not at all opposed to that idea.
They should give us choice a mint swirl and a Irish cream swirl
I know that I’m being that guy, again, but $5+ — jeez. I can pick up a meal for that at Trader Joe’s or the market, or buy a full pint of premium ice cream.
Hey I’m right there with you… but the margin on these drinks must be insane, which is why Dunkin Donuts pivoted to just Dunkin with a heavier focus on fancy drinks and breakfast items. We don’t have a lot of Dunkins around here anyway but maybe a decade ago I really liked DD for cheap-but-pretty-good coffee and now I wouldn’t bother going there at all.
That’s exactly it–and why Coca-Cola wants in as well, with its recent 12-oz., canned Coke-espresso drinks at ~$3 a pop.
I have to ask! Pun intended or not? 🙂 Either way, nice one 😉
Thanks! 🙂
Places like Dunkin charging these prices is exorbitant, agreed. I could go on a diatribe, and alas, I’ll just say “yep” and leave it at that. 🙂
Thank you for the tireless work you do.
Very nice blog, thanks for the recipes.