SPOTTED: Simple 7Up

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Simple 7Up Box Back

This isn’t brand spankin’ new because it was tested in certain regions a year ago. I’m not sure if the testing has expanded or if there’s a slow nationwide rollout going on. But there’s no mention of it on 7Up’s website or social media. What’s simple about his 7Up? It has six ingredients. Since it’s only six, I’m going to list them here: filtered carbonated water, sugar, citric acid, lemon extract, lime extract, and stevia leaf extract. (Spotted by @JonJDGates at Baker’s and Robbie at Walmart.)


15 responses to “SPOTTED: Simple 7Up”

  1. Michael Sobel

    I’d get it. Simple is good. 🙂

    1. Janey Goman

      Doesn’t taste the same!! The “zing” is gone! Won’t drink it again….hubby can drink the rest of it, he doesn’t seem to taste a difference!

  2. Stephen M.

    While this is *probably* what the customer really wants from a soft drink, it has to be said that the reason the major soft drink makers use high-fructose corn syrup is COST. That, along with artificial sweeteners and colors makes the stuff cheap enough that Americans can consume the stuff in bulk.

  3. Bosco

    Filtered carbonated water, sugar……OK, I’m listening.
    Citric acid, lemon extract, lime extract……So far, so good.
    And stevia leaf extract……Oh no!, this ruins it for me.

    Many people don’t mind Stevia at all, and it helps them cut down on sugar.
    Yet, there’s a percentage of us who get a horrific, bitter aftertaste from Stevia.
    I’ll just call it some sort of genetic predisposition for now.

    Here’s a bit of info on Stevia and what I’m referring to:
    Stevia in its raw form is not approved for use as a food additive by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the FDA approved one of the naturally-occurring compounds found in stevia, Rebaudioside A (Reb-A), in 2008. This means that most products currently being sold on grocery shelves labeled as “stevia” and approved for human consumption are highly-purified extracts of Reb-A.
    In humans, taste buds on the tongue contain receptors to identify sweet and bitter chemical compounds. There is only one receptor that identifies sweet tastes, but there are 25 different receptors for bitter tastes. Chemical compounds found in the stevia plant interact with both the sweet and bitter receptors, leading to its signature bitter aftertaste.

    1. Julia

      Furthermore, there is already 28grams of sugar in each can so what was the point of adding stevia?

      1. Bosco

        I agree.
        Regular 7Up has 38g of sugar.
        Not much of a difference.
        I’m not sure what they’re trying to accomplish here.

  4. Steve S.

    I love it when companies market a new version of their product as using real ingredients. I always think, so then what were you selling us up to this point and why weren’t you using real ingredients to begin with?

  5. Mason

    I love the can and logo design.

  6. Holly May

    It’s kinda funny that they couldn’t include just one more ingredient…

    1. mh

      lol, so close!

  7. Cory

    I just saw this here in southern CA at a Ralphs. I wondered if that’s what it was, and it is. Sierra Mist did this before their “Mist Twst” rebrand (which was undone. Not sure what exists now). I really liked it. Mountain Dew is different, but could use this treatment (unless that’s already a thing?)

    1. Holly May

      You should win a prize for being the seventh commenter…

  8. Reggie

    Would have been a slam dunk success if they hadn’t pointlessly ruined it with stevia. Mountain Dew Ice failed because of artificial sweeteners, I’m sure this will too.

  9. Stephen Naas

    Tried it today…..hate the stevia bitter taste. Won’t buy again. Just use real sugar!!!!

  10. Donna Huddleston

    I bought some of the new 7 UP & I am not loving it. It has a very tin like taste. I don’t know what that is, but I won’t buy them again. My favorite is the Cherry 7UP, which I can not find anywhere, anymore.