REVIEW: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamy Cinnamon Spread

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamy Cinnamon Spread Jar

According to the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamy Cinnamon Spread’s jar, it’s a product of Greece. But after touching the jar, pulling back the foil lid, and trying to keep the tan condiment on a butter knife, I began to wonder if it’s also a product of grease.

Before getting a chance to sample the spread, my first experience with the CTC spread was wondering why my fingers felt as if I’d just eaten pizza after touching the unopened glass jar. After inspecting the screw-on plastic lid and foil safety seal, it appears there wasn’t any leakage. But when I tried to remove the foil seal, only the golden top layer peeled away, leaving behind a fragile paper layer that broke into pieces as I attempted to remove it. I suspect this happened because the sample I received from B&G Foods was transported on its side, and the oils in the spread partially penetrated the foil seal.

As for the spread itself, it’s goopy, has an aroma that makes me wonder if I should stick a wick in it, and comes in a color that a paint brand might call “Camel Hump Tan.” Well, I’m used to goopy because the Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter I use slides off the knife as easily as this CTC spread does. Its ingredients include canola and palm oils, which might explain this cinnamon condiment’s viscosity and oiliness.

While it’s goopy and smells a little off, its flavor is surprisingly delicious. Along with being a product of Greece, the jar also says it “delivers the epic taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with notes of brown sugar and graham flavor.” However, it doesn’t have me thinking this is a Cinnamon Toast Crunch-flavored slurry. But it does taste like something as tasty as the cereal — cinnamon rolls. Well, more specifically, the sweet stuff within the cinnamon rolls’ rolls. You know, the best part. There’s also a noticeable brown sugar flavor (which makes sense since it’s the spread’s first ingredient), but I didn’t get any graham notes.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamy Cinnamon Spread Toast

I spread it on bread, dipped pears into it, and swirled it in my overnight oats. With every application, I got a bold and wonderful cinnamon roll-like flavor. If I had the inclination and ability to bake up a batch of cinnamon rolls, I’d use this instead of the standard icing. Overall, its taste makes up for it being as slippery as a greasy pig.

DISCLOSURE: I received a free product sample from B&G Foods. Doing so did not influence my review.

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 10 oz jar
Purchased at: Received from B&G Foods
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (2 tbsp/30 grams) 160 calories, 9 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, 75 milligrams of sodium, 18 grams of carbohydrates, 18 grams of sugar (16 grams of added sugar), and 2 grams of protein.


5 responses to “REVIEW: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Creamy Cinnamon Spread”

  1. Mike S.

    Am interested in seeing what the community here thinks of this product. Although it gets a great review, it still somewhat (scares) me (the various oils, especially the palm oil?), and I think that, for the appropriate applications (e.g. toast and oatmeal), I’d still rather stick to my cinnamon, sugar, and butter application.

  2. Ruffy

    yeah i don’t get it, i am as lazy as the next guy but if this doesn’t taste specifically like CTC then why not just make your own (probably better tasting?) cinnamon + butter + brown sugar?

    1. Ckws

      I’m apparently more lazy than average I’m in on this coming ready made. It sounds like it would be great on English muffins and toast and maybe plain donuts. I’d never make this spread myself, and really couldn’t care less about the oils. I don’t follow those things. Whatever works.

  3. Sue K.

    I was excited to finally be able to purchase this product. EPIC FAIL!!!! It tastes nothing like cinnamon toast crunch but has an artificial taste to say nothing of the grease slick upon opening the jar. Don’t waste your money. This product is going out with the trash tomorrow!

  4. Lynda Norcross

    Do you refrigerate the Cinnamon toast spread after opening???