SPOTTED: Fanta Frozen What the Fanta Froster

Fanta Frozen What the Fanta Froster

Fanta Frozen Frog-flavored Froster. That’s my guess without trying it. Yes, my guess is based on the color. Yes, I’m 100 percent wrong because everyone knows frogs taste like chicken. (Spotted by Robbie at Circle K.)


6 responses to “SPOTTED: Fanta Frozen What the Fanta Froster”

  1. Holly May

    From this day forth I will no longer say “wtf?!” and will now say “what the fanta?!”

    1. Tamme

      I know someone who, instead of saying “Oh, my!”, says “Oh, Mylanta!” Cracks me up.

      1. Holly May

        Hehe, we say that all the time at work! Also, “oh my gatos!” lol

        1. Tamme

          Being a huge fan of cats, I absolutely need to use that last one. 🙂

    2. Mike S.

      Fanta’s marketing dept. thanks you. 😉

  2. Dawn

    I have never liked koolies. I tried this mystery Fanta flavor and I am hooked. My taste buds run wild. Pistachio? Melon? Couldn’t have kiwi not tart. All I know is I love it!! ??