SPOTTED: Kellogg’s Special Edition Disney Pixar Lightyear Cereal with Space Ranger Marshmallows

Kellogg s Special Edition Disney Pixar Lightyear Cereal with Space Ranger Marshmallows

I look forward to that green Space Ranger Marshmallow being repurposed as a Christmas tree marshmallow for a future holiday cereal release. (Spotted by David P at Marc’s.)


8 responses to “SPOTTED: Kellogg’s Special Edition Disney Pixar Lightyear Cereal with Space Ranger Marshmallows”

  1. Steve S,

    Another generic movie tie-in cereal release. They don’t even try to come up with anything new or exciting anymore for promotional movie cereals.

    1. Alek

      Yep. Very lazy. I noticed the stars are the same used for sugar cookie cereal. Why not something new? Cloudberry flavor. Something unique

  2. Leela

    I wish they’d bring back croonchy stars.

    1. Twix

      These are my favorite of all time although I do have to admit that Dora the Explorer had a cereal very similar a few years ago.

      In regard to cycling through the cereal in this post and relabeling it for different shows/movies, this has been occurring since at least the 70’s. It still seems to be working.

      1. Leela

        Bill and Ted cereal was really good too. It was a lovely cinnamon cereal without being overloaded with sugar like cinnamon toast crunch. The cinnabon cereal is hard to find now.

  3. Ckws

    It may be worth picking out the marshmallows to try these. I love vanilla.

  4. Ckws

    P.S. it doesn’t say if it’s made of corn, oats, wheat. I wonder what it is.

    1. Kate

      1st ingredient is “corn flour blend” & 3rd is wheat flour. BTW I just opened a new box today and the marshmallows are STALE! Good through date is Mar 2023. What a waste, had to spit them out! Very basic cereal but inedible with marshmallows.