SPOTTED: Pringles Scorchin’ Hot Ones Crisps

Pringles Scorchin Hot Ones Los Calientes Rojo and Verde

Pringles Scorchin Hot Ones QR Code

Update: We tried them! Click here to read our review.

Los Calientes Rojo is a Walmart-exclusive, while Los Calientes Verde is being sold at multiple retailers nationwide. There’s a third flavor, The Classic Hot Sauce, that’ll be a Circle K exclusive and available in July. The QR code on the can will give you an opportunity to win a can of the Last Dab-ified Pringles that features the Hot Ones’ hottest sauce. Not familiar with Hot Ones? Here’s the Wikipedia entry. (Spotted by Tommy at Walmart. QR code image via Robbie.)


2 responses to “SPOTTED: Pringles Scorchin’ Hot Ones Crisps”

  1. Greg Leslie

    Tried these over the weekend. Both flavors are very faithful to the Hot Ones sauces (both favorites of mine), but for me the Pringle-fied versions were just too hot for casual snacking. Especially the Rojo.

  2. Dave

    Not gonna lie, the Rojo ones hurt me. I passed a can around, i managed 5 chips and had to stop. Most people with me could handle one chip and said that tastes great but now I’m dying.

    A++ would recommend again.