SPOTTED: 9/14/2022

Here are some interesting new products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts in the comments.

Netflix Stranger Things Demogorgon and Rink O Mania Cookie Kits
Netflix Stranger Things Demogorgon and Rink-O-Mania Cookie Kits
Netflix Stranger Things The Upside Down Cupcake Kit and Cherry Slush Drink Kit
Netflix Stranger Things The Upside Down Cupcake Kit and Cherry Slush Drink Kit
Netflix Stranger Things VHS Brownie Kit
Netflix Stranger Things VHS Brownie Kit

There was a VHS Brownie Kit before, but this one appears to be a different design. (Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

Nature s Premium Fruit Pearls Orange  Cream
Nature’s Premium Fruit Pearls Orange & Cream
Nature s Premium Fruit Pearls Lemon  Cream
Nature’s Premium Fruit Pearls Lemon & Cream
Nature s Premium Strawberry Banana Fruit Pearls
Nature’s Premium Strawberry Banana Fruit Pearls
Nature s Premium Wildberry Fruit Pearls
Nature’s Premium Wildberry Fruit Pearls

(Spotted by Rachel T at Walmart.)

Great Value Bittersweet Chocolate Almonds Cranberries  Aronia Berries Cornflake Clusters
Great Value Bittersweet Chocolate Almonds, Cranberries & Aronia Berries Cornflake Clusters
Great Value Milk Chocolate Raspberry  Almond Cornflake Clusters
Great Value Milk Chocolate Raspberry & Almond Cornflake Clusters

(Spotted by Rachel T at Walmart.)

Skinny Dipped Cups Caramel Peanut Paradise
Skinny Dipped Cups Caramel Peanut Paradise

(Spotted by Allison H at Wegmans.)

Kroger BBQ Recipe Chicken Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza
Kroger BBQ Recipe Chicken Cheese Stuffed Crust Pizza

(Spotted by Daniel N at Kroger.)

Chef Hak s Balsamic Buttermilk Ranch and Plant Based Caesar made with Avocado Oil
Chef Hak’s Balsamic, Buttermilk Ranch, and Plant Based Caesar made with Avocado Oil

(Spotted by Robbie at H-E-B.)


6 responses to “SPOTTED: 9/14/2022”

  1. Miss M

    Didn’t like either flavor of the GV Cornflake Clusters. They’re like a cheap knock-off version of Nestle Buncha Crunch. The fruit flavors are too sweet. You get plenty of crunch, but can’t tell it’s from cornflakes. The chocolate is nothing special. I’ve heard similar comments from other people, too.

    1. Inquisitor

      I just assumed Great Value baked goods and chocolate were all pretty crummy. Is this not always the case?

  2. Holly May

    I’ve been seeing the Kroger stuffed pizzas for a few weeks now…I’m really curious as to how they are! I’ve been so let down though by anything other than DiGiorno’s original stuffed crust (not the “fully stuffed, that was TERRIBLE) that I don’t want to risk wasting my money again.

  3. mh

    i want so much for the Stranger Things Upside Down cupcake kit to be mini pineapple upside down cakes! probably asking a bit much of a boxed cake mix – tho it wouldn’t be too hard to incorporate a sealed fruit cup or pouch in addition to the powdered mix.

  4. Brianna

    The strawberry banana fruit pearls are great in cheerios. They defrost so it’s not to hard to eat for people who don’t like chopping on frozen things and keep the milk cold.

    1. Holly May

      What a great idea!