BACK ON SHELVES: Lay’s Game Day Chili Potato Chips (2022)

Lay s Game Day Chili Potato Chips  2022

It’s back! Here’s our review from two football seasons ago. (Spotted by Robbie at 7-Eleven.)


2 responses to “BACK ON SHELVES: Lay’s Game Day Chili Potato Chips (2022)”

  1. Andrew S.

    When it comes to Lays limited time flavors. These were definitely S Tier. Highly recommend picking up a bag to give them a try.

  2. Moistness

    HO-LY-SHIZ…. Best flavor I have ever eaten… never heard of them, but picked them up at a 7-11 here in San Diego today… OMG! Greatest flavor ever… like a California burrito in CHIP form… wow.. made me have to LOOK THEM UP… dayum!