SPOTTED: Frankford Dunkin’ Box O’ Chocolates

Frankford Dunkin Box O Chocolates

I get the feeling we’re going to see another Dunkin’ Box O’ Chocolates for Valentine’s Day next year. (Spotted by Vicky M at Longs Drugs.)


6 responses to “SPOTTED: Frankford Dunkin’ Box O’ Chocolates”

  1. Lindsay

    What/who is Frankford?

    1. Finn

      It’s a brand! They make a bunch of different candies

      1. Lindsay

        Ahhh. Must be an East Coast thing? I’m from the PNW and I’ve never heard of them. We don’t have Dunkin either ?

        1. Lindsay

          That question mark was supposed to be a sad face 😀

  2. H M

    They are also selling these at Lidl.

  3. I would like to sign up for the free giveaway from Anthony Smith