6 responses to “SPOTTED (SEASONAL EDITION): 11/23/2022”
Re the Tic Tac Naughty or Nice Mints Candy Cane and Lumps of Coal Cherry:
The Naughty/Lump-of-Coal one should’ve been licorice, IMHO. Because (1) well, obviously they’re both the same color; and (2) most people dislike licorice-flavored things. (I don’t strongly feel one way or the other about the taste, but it is, well, pretty much “eh”.)
6 responses to “SPOTTED (SEASONAL EDITION): 11/23/2022”
Re the Tic Tac Naughty or Nice Mints Candy Cane and Lumps of Coal Cherry:
The Naughty/Lump-of-Coal one should’ve been licorice, IMHO. Because (1) well, obviously they’re both the same color; and (2) most people dislike licorice-flavored things. (I don’t strongly feel one way or the other about the taste, but it is, well, pretty much “eh”.)
We thought the exact same thing! Except the sales of the naughty Tic Tacs would probably be awful…
haha Good point!
I LOVE black licorice. And cherry, too, for that matter.
My dad also loves black licorice. No one else in our immediate family could ever relate. heh heh To each, his/her own, I have always said.
The 2 Ghirardelli flavors look pretty good imo. I need to find those soon and get a few bags.