SPOTTED: Cap’n Crunch’s Birthday Crunch Cereal

Update: We tried it! Click here to read our review.

Happy 60th Birthday, Cap’n Crunch! Wait. Are those balloon-shaped cereal pieces? Nice. (Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)


3 responses to “SPOTTED: Cap’n Crunch’s Birthday Crunch Cereal”

  1. Steve S.

    I appreciate that Quaker tries coming up with new variations of Cap’N Crunch. I just wish they’d re-release the Orange Creampop Crunch from 2016. I still can’t figure out why that flavor had such a limited run compared to the other flavor crunch cereals they’ve released over the years. I remember the stores by my area sold out of it pretty quickly and then they just never restocked it.

    1. Andrew S.

      I know what you mean. I enjoyed their limited run with Cotton Candy All Berries flavor they had out a few years back.

  2. Ckws

    I love Cap’n Crunch original, but birthday cake, I’m on the hunt for it. I’m glad there are no marshmallows. Thanks!