Am I the only one who thinks the banana bread one is more exciting than the Apple Jacks one? (Spotted by Kevin L at Mariano’s.)
Am I the only one who thinks the banana bread one is more exciting than the Apple Jacks one? (Spotted by Kevin L at Mariano’s.)
10 responses to “SPOTTED: Apple Jacks Pop-Tarts and Frosted Banana Bread Pop-Tarts”
I kinda feel like I am on board with the Apple Jacks one,but not banana bread. Not a fan of banana bread,more a zucchini bread guy,but I surely do not see Pop Tarts coming out with a zucchini flavor anytime soon!!! Lol
No you’re not the only one! I am super excited for banana bread and fingers crossed it’s going to be a real banana flavor and not a fake laffy taffy one!
Fun fact: artificial banana is actually real banana
The banana bread one is amazing, really sweet though.
What is the picture on the Banana Bread one? I see bananas and then slices of banana bread and then two little white orbs– what are those?
Those are banana slices.
Spirits were in Kevin L.’s presence at the time of photographing.
As someone who is actually really intrigued by ghosts/spirits (yeah, yeah, cut me some slack), this particularly made me chuckle, Holly May.
Well hello kindred spirit then!
No need to cut you (or me and many many others!) any slack at all. Glad that you got a laugh out of it. I was wondering if anyone would respond or get the orb reference and what they would say, hehe.
Ohhh, Mariano’s; we have those, here! Which means there might be a chance of my being able to try these. Both sound good, but leaning more towards the banana bread flavor, especially since that one doesn’t have the (IMO, extraneous) sprinkles, on top of the frosting.