I don’t know why dark chocolate-flavored VitaminWater seems weird to me. I mean, I’ve sipped a lot of cooled down Swiss Miss over the years. (Spotted by Josh G at 7-Eleven.)
5 thoughts on “SPOTTED: VitaminWater Raspberry Dark Chocolate and Coconut Lime”
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Saw the Coconut Lime today at my local Giant Food grocery store. Very light lime flavor up front but then it smacks your palate with coconut sunscreen flavor. If that’s your cup of tea, this will be good to you. To me, it needs more lime and less coconut.
Tried the coconut lime and did not like it AT ALL. Couldn’t drink the whole bottle, the coconut flavor was very artificial and the bright green color made me feel like I was drinking air freshener.
Didn’t care for either of them, but the coconut lime was at least mostly drinkable and didn’t have to be wasted. I can’t say the same for the chocolate raspberry one, that I couldn’t choke down. ‘Weird’ is indeed a good way to describe it, I was not a fan.
Thanks a bunch to everyone who commented. You guys just saved me a couple of bucks cause that coconut lime one sounded right up my alley.
Checking back in to say:
Today I found, at my closest Target, one solitary bottle of the Coconut Lime flavor. LOVED it! I’m still dying to find and try the Raspberry Dark Chocolate flavor. I guess I’ve got the dissenting opinion, here, but that Coconut Lime one makes me want to order an entire case, it was so delicious. Just searched on both Amazon’s and Walmart’s sites, and it doesn’t appear that I can order them in bulk, for delivery. Poop.