SPOTTED: Coca-Cola Creations Limited Edition Ultimate

It’s +XP Flavored. I don’t know what that is, but guess that’s better than -XP Flavored. (Cans spotted by Robbie at Walmart, Bottle spotted by Holly at Target, and Zero Sugar bottle spotted by Robbie by H-E-B.)

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8 responses to “SPOTTED: Coca-Cola Creations Limited Edition Ultimate”

  1. Darrell Martinsen

    The rumors I’m hearing are that it tastes like banana Laffy Taffy. If that is the case it is not for me LOL. I love banana but not that fake stuff!

    1. Mason

      If that’s the case, it IS for me.

      1. Tamme

        Meee, tooo!

    2. Alex L

      Oh my goodness I hope you are right.

    3. NANCY

      Didn’t care for the taste. Won’t buy it again.

  2. Chris

    I don’t have a big problem with all these “limited edition” flavors, but a)they’re usually pretty awful and b) I have to special order my Vanilla Coke Zero for an upcharged price, because even though that’s supposedly one of their regular flavors, it’s never in the stores. It would be great if they just focused their attention on varieties they’re *supposed* to have available.

    1. Mason

      I agree. It’s damn near impossible to find Fanta in the Kansas City market.

    2. Twix

      This is a good point now that you mention it. The Zero flavors are especially hard to find while this Ultimate has been front and center in all of my local stores. It is likely due to to elevated prices on the limited editions as they can charge nearly double for them.