SPOTTED: Dole Whip in the Freezer Aisle

Dole Pineapple Dole Whip
Dole Pineapple Dole Whip
Dole Mango Dole Whip
Dole Mango Dole Whip
Dole Strawberry Dole Whip
Dole Strawberry Dole Whip

Why didn’t this happen sooner? (Spotted by Allison H at Wegmans.)

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10 responses to “SPOTTED: Dole Whip in the Freezer Aisle”

  1. Darrell Martinsen

    Why can’t I find it?! 🙁

  2. Rita

    Not for 7.69 at stop and shop

  3. Drew

    These have been out for a few months. Tried the pineapple. If you’re expected the Disney treat, you’re going to be disappointed. Even if you follow the instructions, the texture is nothing like the original. I don’t know why they just didn’t try to do something more like soft serve. Flavor wise, it comes up a little short but its still flavorful. They’re also overpriced for their size too. If you’ve never had the original Disney version Dole Whip, you’ll probably like this a lot more. But knowing what the real one is, its hard to give this anything but middling scores

    1. JLebowskiTheDude

      “I don’t know why they just didn’t try to do something more like soft serve. ”

      They already have.

      Look for “Dole Soft Serve Mix”. It’s a 4 to 5 pound bag for around $30.

  4. Vicky M

    This does NOT taste like the Dole Whip that I’m used to. I could handle the different texture since I know it’s hard to recreate a soft serve consistency at home but the taste is totally different. This one contains coconut cream which is not in the original Dole Whip. It doesn’t taste bad, just don’t expect Dole Whip. The coconut taste kind of overpowers the pineapple. After I finish my 8 pack from Costco, I won’t be buying it again.

  5. Matt

    These were a huge disappointment for me. I knew the consistency wasn’t going to be a match to the real thing, but the taste really threw me. Real Dole Whip pineapple is 100% pineapple flavored. These are 98% coconut, which shouldn’t be that surprising, since they’re made with coconut cream. Blue Bunny should partner with Dole to do a pineapple soft serve — they’re Soft line is great!

  6. Neil Davis

    What is the fascination with mango?

  7. Mickey

    Well, it *did happen sooner; back in May. It is disappointing that they’re disappointing.


    The pineapple one is awful! I was so excited and willingly paid the almost $8 for it. What a disappointment!


      From a previous comment;

      “Look for “Dole Soft Serve Mix”. It’s a 4 to 5 pound bag for around $30.”

      It’s available in about 10 flavors, I think? Including Pineapple.