REVIEW: Kirkland Signature Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Ah, the Costco food court.

There’s nothing better than spending hundreds of bucks to stock your bomb shelter, then trying to weave your tank of a cart around the guy filling a soda cup next to his parked orange flatbed that has an IMAX-sized TV hanging off it.

I just want a hot dog the size of my arm. Sir, can you scootch over a bit?

Everything’s bigger in Texas? I beg to differ; everything’s bigger in Costco. I don’t even wanna ponder what a Costco in Texas must be like, my megalophobia can’t take it!

Ok, now that I got all that hacky “Costco be big” stuff out of the way, let me tell you about the new Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie they’re baking fresh in the food court. It be big. This edible frisbee measures 7 inches across and 1 inch thick while weighing in at a whopping 5.5 ounces.

The “all butter” cookie features both bittersweet and semisweet chocolate chunks, and I reiterate – I love the Costco food court. This is a quality cookie.

I was a little confused by what “all butter” meant at first. How could it be “all butter?” If it was “all butter,” it would be a stick of butter. What about the chocolate? Is that “all butter?”

Well, after I took a bite, I got it. This sucker is buttery, probably a little too buttery. That, coupled with the massive lakes of gooey chocolate, make this a cookie you’re probably gonna want to share. It’s really good, but a few bites go a long way. I ate mine in shifts.

The first few bites had a delicious “out of the oven” softness because they’re served hot and fresh. When I let it sit for a little while, the edges crisped up while the center remained soft and lukewarm. I ate the last third the next morning for breakfast, and it was firm but still chewy. I can’t think of three better cookie experiences texturally, with the middle shift being my favorite.

If you’ve ever bought a box of chocolate chip cookies in the Costco bakery section, these are pretty much just them on steroids. It’s what I expected, and it’s what I got.

So, if you like Costco baked goods, you’re gonna like this. Try one… half of one at most. Just be aware of the challenge you’re in for. I’m a grown man (questionable), so I don’t use the word “tummy,” but the thought of eating this cookie in one sitting makes my tummy hurt. The mere thought has devolved my stomach back to a “tummy.”

I really should stress again how big this behemoth is. I called it a frisbee earlier, but it could probably be used as a discus in the Ozempics – which is a food-based Olympics I’m workshopping and you’re rolling your eyes at.

As far as the loss leaders at the glorious Costco food court go, I still think the hot dog and pizza are king, but this cookie is superior to the churro it’s replacing nationwide. Just go for it. You already bought enough food to feed an army; what’s another 750 calories?

Allow me to lay down a challenge – buy two cookies and a kiddie pool-sized vanilla ice cream, then make the world’s thickest Chipwich. You won’t do it. … Coward.

(Please do it and report back… Coward.)

Purchased Price: $2.49
Size: ~5.5 oz
Purchased at: Costco
Rating: 8 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 750 calories. No other nutritional info is available.


10 responses to “REVIEW: Kirkland Signature Double Chocolate Chunk Cookie”

  1. Jane

    Glad I’m not the only person who’s confused by the all butter thing. I think it means that it doesn’t have any oil added to it, but I’ve never cared enough to confirm.

  2. Tracey

    Great review and photos, Vin! Yes, the “all-butter” description means that the cookies are made without any oils or butter substitutes. This usually means that it’s a higher-quality product than what’s packaged on store shelves. And I loved your witty creation, the Ozempics – it got a good laugh (rather than an eye roll) out of me!

  3. Sarah

    Great review, Vin! ?

    1. Sarah

      My heart emoji didn’t show womp womp

      1. Elizabeth

        Yeah, emojis don’t show up on this site. I think it only supports basic text.

        1. Jane

          No, some do. ;D 🙂 😛

  4. BigBelly

    I love the ones in the clamshell from the bakery dept, especially when they put them on sale. You can microwave them and get them to almost like fresh baked, awesome with some ice cold milk

    1. Twix A’Hoy

      Costco bakers have verified that these are a different recipe entirely and about 3x’s the calories. All the chocolate has been a sticking point w many reviewers but I still have a difficult time imagining that there could possibly be too much chocolate in a chocolate chip cookie.

      1. Mark Marston

        This! Chocolate in a cookie isn’t something that should be limited.

  5. Mark Marston

    Ozempics was really clever! Love these reviews, you’ve got a real talent.