SPOTTED: Lay’s IHOP Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity Potato Chips

If potato chips that taste like strawberry-topped pancakes with syrup and bacon is your thing, your thing is here. Also, doesn’t it seems like Frito-Lay used AI to come up with this flavor? (Spotted by Mason C at Walmart.)

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10 responses to “SPOTTED: Lay’s IHOP Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘N Fruity Potato Chips”

  1. Jane

    “This is either madness, or brilliance.”

  2. TropicalChrome

    I look forward to your review :).

  3. Christopher L Allen

    I bought a bag yesterday. Was skeptical at best, but ate half the bag in one sitting. Went back today for a few more bags and they were all gone. I was honestly very impressed by the flavor.

    1. Twix

      Do they taste mostly like strawberry? I rarely ever eat chips but these are intriguing.

      1. Layne

        They taste entirely like strawberry (to me at least.)

    2. Shelley Rivers

      Same! They are surprisingly delicious!

    3. Buffy

      Where are you located! None near me.

      Thank You

  4. BigBelly


  5. Layne

    I got these and I didn’t get any flavor except freeze dried strawberry and a hint of syrup. No bacon to be had, thank God. They aren’t bad, they just aren’t really good.

  6. Kathryn

    I gave them a try over the weekend and they are delicious and have a groovy unique flavor. Everything you want in one bite.

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