REVIEW: Takis Buckin’ Ranch

Last year, Takis did the unthinkable. It made a non-spicy flavor — Intense Nacho. For a brand known for fiery product names like Fuego, Blue Heat, and Nitro, it seemed that Takis either ran out of ideas and/or names for spicy products or lost a bet. But coming out with a heat-free flavor was a good bet because it’s a good product. Now, Takis is following it up with Buckin’ Ranch.

Oh, come on, autocorrect! Are you going to swap the B with an F every time I type buckin’? Well, you also turned that one into an F, so I guess that’s the case. Do I type that word often enough that it’s the default if I try to spell something close to it, or does Siri swear like a sailor? What about ducking? Seriously? That changed, too. How about tucking? Maji? I guess it’s rare that I type tucking, and T is close to F, so it makes sense. Ugh!

While my autocorrect inflames me, this flame-less Takis doesn’t. It influences me to buy more.

Let’s rewind a bit to the issue I had with the Takis Intense Nacho rolled tortilla chips. While good, I was disappointed by how the cheesiness wasn’t as intense as I would’ve liked, and the seasoning faded too quickly*. But that’s not the case with Buckin’ Ranch. It’s bold and perhaps has a more potent flavor than Cool Ranch Doritos, and it sticks around. Also, after eating a few of them, they leave a satisfying thick layer of ranch seasoning on my fingers that serve as a nice after snack snack.

These crunchy rolled tortilla chips are as addictive as Cool Ranch Doritos. Yeah, I said it! I inhaled a 9.9-ounce bag in one sitting while watching an episode of some TV show and felt guilty about it for a second because I forgot to take photos for this review. Thankfully, Takis sent two bags. However, I like this so much that I wish it came in the large adult pillow-sized bags you’d find at Costco or Sam’s Club so that I can inhale one while watching a movie at home. Also, I wonder what it would taste like if this ranch seasoning was combined with Takis’ spicier varieties.

Takis Buckin’ Ranch is bucking great. Oh, now you decide to change the F with a B, autocorrect! Thanks.

*Takis did eventually add more cheesiness to them.

DISCLOSURE: I received free product samples from Takis. Doing so did not influence my review.

Purchased Price: FREE
Size: 9.9 oz bag
Purchased at: Received from Takis
Rating: 9 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: (1 oz/about 10 pieces) 150 calories, 8 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 200 milligrams of sodium, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 2 grams of protein.


2 responses to “REVIEW: Takis Buckin’ Ranch”

  1. Jane

    I might have to try these since I love Cooler Ranch Doritos, but hate how flavorful they aren’t. Finding a CRD chip that’s covered in flavor is like finding the holy grail.

  2. Tres Brunson

    The best chips I’ve had in along time love the crunch and flavor please keep them and bring back the Hamburger ones

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