SPOTTED: 6/24/2024

Here are some interesting new products found on store shelves by your fellow readers. If you’ve tried any of them, share your thoughts in the comments.

Starkist Sloppy Joe Beef Creations
Starkist Sweet BBQ Beef Creations
Starkist Taco Style Beef Creations

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Walmart. Taco version spotted by John W at Giant Eagle.)

Bettergoods Chicken & Maple Breakfast Sausage Patties
Bettergoods Chicken & Apple Breakfast Sausage Links
Bettergoods Chicken & Maple Breakfast Sausage Links

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Walmart.)

Bettergoods Plant-Based Chick’n Nuggets

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Walmart.)

Pilgrim’s Mini Nuggets
Pilgrim’s Zesty Ranch Mini Nuggets
Pilgrim’s Ultimate Nuggets

(Spotted by Amanda Y at Walmart.)

If you’re out shopping and see new products, snap a picture of them, and send them in via an email ( with where you found them and “Spotted” in the subject line. Also, if you want to send in photos and are wondering if we’ve already covered something or if they’re new, don’t worry about it. Let us worry about it.


6 responses to “SPOTTED: 6/24/2024”

  1. H M

    Are the Starkist Beef Creations refrigerated or shelf-stable? This seems like it belongs on the shelves at Dollar General or BigLots. If they are shelf-stable and don’t need refrigeration, then they might be good for camping.

    1. mh

      just saw an ad for em while watching youtube vids – heard the (rather uncomfortable) tagline “tuna everywhere!” so – pretty sure they’re shelf stable.

    2. Tommy

      Shelf stable. They’ve had chicken varieties for a while now, too.

  2. Sascha

    Those Starkists will be in Big Lots no later than September.

  3. K

    This is really gonna confuse Jessica Simpson.

  4. BigBelly

    You can see the shelf on the right, in the sweet bbq picture

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