SPOTTED: Nesquik Cinnamon Churro Mix

Nesquik Cinnamon Churro Mix.

I haven’t had any of the Nesquik flavors released over the past few years. Are they good? (Spotted by Robbie at Walmart.)

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4 responses to “SPOTTED: Nesquik Cinnamon Churro Mix”

  1. im sure its kid good not sure about being adult good

  2. Alex L

    What the heck I didn’t even think NesQuik released any new flavors since the 1950s huh… well cinnamon could work to make an horchata-type drink.

    1. Jane

      They had an AMAZING cookies and cream flavor when I was a kid. This was in the 90’s.

  3. BigBelly

    I bought the HOT FUDGE SUNDAY variety a while back, wasn’t very impressed, it’s still in the cupboard

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