The Impulsive Buy

REVIEW: Jack in the Box Chicken & Waffle Sticks

I wish an order of Jack in the Box’s Chicken & Waffle Sticks was even-stevens. An order has three waffle sticks but two chicken strips. It was a little annoying because it caused me to do some food math so that both ran out simultaneously. But I’ll get back to that experience in a moment. I’m a little disappointed this wasn’t called Chicken Strips & Waffle Sticks because the rhyming might’ve made me turn a blind eye to the chicken-to-waffle ratio.

Like Eggo in the toaster at a high browning setting, the waffle sticks were crispy. With fast food, you’d think something that crispy might be dry inside, but fortunately, their interior had a pleasant fluffiness. I wish I could say there’s something special about their flavor, but they taste like waffles. But with the included syrup and butter spread, they make everything taste good enough that I could see myself ordering just the waffle sticks if I want a sweet breakfast treat.

The chicken strips were surprisingly better than what I remembered with the chain’s Jack Wraps. The ones I received were meaty, had a crispy exterior, and the poultry inside was surprisingly juicy when I squeezed them. But its flavor was unimpressive without a sauce. Fortunately, the pancake syrup gave them a nice sweetness that complemented their savoriness, and I could see myself asking for a container of syrup instead of the usual savory sauces if I order only the chicken strips.

(Oddly, my order also came with a ranch sauce cup. I’m not sure that’s supposed to be included, but I thought about dipping the waffles in it for a second to create chicken and wAWFULes.)

A rational person would’ve drizzled the syrup over everything, but I’m not rational, and I didn’t have any caffeine in my bloodstream at the time of consumption, so it didn’t come to mind that I should do that. Instead, I double-fisted my order with chicken in one hand and a waffle in the other, alternating the syrup dipping and chomping to get the chicken and waffle experience since the syrup container wasn’t large enough that I could dunk both at the same time. Since the waffles and chicken with syrup taste great individually, it shouldn’t be surprising that they create a tasty sweet and savory combo when combined.

However, with all that said, I’m hesitant to recommend this because paying seven dollars for three waffle sticks and two chicken strips seems a bit much. Even if I paid the $6.49 it costs in other states, I’m unsure I’d repurchase it, even if Jack in the Box changed the name to Chicken Strips & Waffle Sticks.

Purchased Price: $6.99*
Rating: 7 out of 10
Nutrition Facts: 590 calories. Other nutritional information isn’t available on Jack in the Box’s website.

*Because I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, things are a bit pricier here. You’ll probably pay less than I did.

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